
“Survey research methods”: special issue on the Theory of Human Values

The new special issue on the Theory of Human Values edited by Eldad Davidov, Peter Schmidt and Shalom Schwartz is now available in the online journal “Survey Research methods” for free.

Medvedev Rewards Strategy 2020 Experts

The Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev, has awarded honours to some researchers from the Higher School of Economics for their work on the Strategy 2020 expert groups, including organization of the groups, the preparation of suggestions on topical issues for Russian socio-economic strategy up to 2020 and their personal input into the expert and analytical work

The spring cycle of training courses from the ILSCR

The spring cycle of professional development courses organized by the International Laboratory for socio-cultural research completed. A course of lectures "Intercultural and Acculturation Psychology" read by John Berry, the author of the theory of acculturation, professor emeritus at Queen's University, Canada, continued from April 16 to 20. A series of seminars "The Psychology of Economics” led by researchers of the department of social psychology of Tilburg University, the Netherlands, Marcel Zeelenberg and Seger Breugelmans, continued from April 23 to 26.

The adaptation of immigrants from Russia to Finland

The seminar on theme “INPRES project: The adaptation of immigrants from Russia to Finland” was held on 26 April in the ILSCR. The lecturers were Inga Jasinskaja-Lahti, associate professor in Social Psychology, and Tuuli Anna Mähönen, substitute university lecturer in Social Psychology (the department of Social Research, University of Helsinki).

International Workshop: Exchange of experience and fostering networking with information service providers in the sphere of science, technology and innovation

On April 26, 2012 the Higher School of Economics (HSE) hosted an international workshop titled "Exchange of experience and fostering networking with information service providers in the sphere of science, technology and innovation". Participants discussed the methods and tools of information and dissemination support for S&T activities, as well as existing and potential areas of cooperation btween Russia and the European Union.

Outcome of the April Workshop

LCSR organized an 2nd international research workshop in Saint Petersburg on April 23-27, 2011.

2nd Research Workshop

The weekly workshop of the LCSR has started on April 23, 2012 in Saint-Petersburg. The event is attended by participants not only from different Russian cities, but also from Belarus, Ukraine, United States, Germany and Italy.

The seminar " Modeling in Marketing: unsolved problems".

The video  broadcast of   the Moscow Scientific Seminar "Mathematical Methods for Analysis  in economics, business and politics " will be held at the National Research University - Higher School of Economics ( (Rodionova Street, room №401)  on 24 April at 4.30 p.m. The leaders of the seminar: Professor Fuad T. Aleskerov,Professor Vladislav V. Podinovskiy,Professor Boris G. MirkinThe lecturer: Igor Mandel (Informational service TELMAR) The theme:" Modeling in Marketing: unsolved problems".The language: Russian

Modern Russian Society and Sociology

On April 20, 2012 LSCR`s research assistants - Natalia Soboleva and Dina Migunova gave a talk on the VI conference of the memory of Yuri Levada (HSE).

Junior researcher of the Laboratory Tatyana Khavenson visited Oxford Spring School on 16-19 April, 2012

In the middle of April, 2012 there was conducted another Oxford Spring School. Such schools are conducted annualy. And this year it was the 10th school. Topis of the schools are almost always new, this year a course was devoted to the Multilevel Analysis.