
Working paper: "Social Institutions of the Frontier"

Working paper " Internal Empires I: Social Institutions of the Frontier " by Research Fellows:  Roberto Foa , Anna Nemirovskaya , Elena Mostovova.

Summarizing the results of the working seminar of Institute for Educational Studies HSE in Suzdal (June 9 – 11, 2012)

The researchers of the Institute for Educational Studies participated in a working seminar in Suzdal aiming to improve their qualification. It took place at the beginning of June, 2012.

Towards Transformative Governance? Responses to mission-oriented innovation policy paradigms

Within the framework of the European Forum for Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation the international conference “Towards Transformative Governance? Responses to mission-oriented innovation policy paradigms” was held by Fraunhofer ISI from 12 to 13 June 2012 in Karlsruhe (Germany) highlighting the key issues of innovation policy in Europe and developing countries in the short and long term.

Towards Transformative Governance? Responses to mission-oriented innovation policy paradigms

Within the framework of the European Forum for Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation the international conference “Towards Transformative Governance? Responses to mission-oriented innovation policy paradigms” was held by Fraunhofer ISI from 12 to 13 June 2012 in Karlsruhe (Germany) highlighting the key issues of innovation policy in Europe and developing countries in the short and long term.

African Economic Outlook. New report

Newsletter on the economy of African countries from the OECD Center in Berlin

Working paper "Trial by Fire..."

Working paper "Trial by Fire: The Natural Disaster's Impact on Attitudes Toward the Government in Rural Russia". Authors: Anton Sobolev, Yegor Lazarev, Irina Soboleva, Boris Sokolov.

New Functions of JESDA website

The Joint Economic and Social Data Archive (JESDA) is pleased to inform that its website have been updated recently

The Caucas lies before …

At the LCSR regular seminar on May, 31, Evgeniy Varshaver and Yegor Lazarev presented a report on their expedition on Caucasus.

"If the EU were centralized there’d be no crisis"

If Europe were an integrated and truly centralized entity, the public debt problem we witness in Greece, Spain and Italy would have been solved automatically insists American economist and Nobel laureate Eric Maskin, in an exclusive interview to RT.

Working paper "World Politics and Support for Terrorism within Muslim Populations..."

Working paper "World Politics and Support for Terrorism within Muslim Populations: Evidence from Muslim Countries and Western Europe" by Research Fellows: Kirill Zhirkov, Maykel Verkuyten, Jeroen Weesie.