
Human Experiments. Egor Lazarev’s Impressions about the participation in workshops at the school ICPSR

Egor Lazarev told about his academic trip to the summer school ICPSR(Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA), where he took part in two short intensive workshops: “Design, Conduction and Analysis of Field Experiments in Social Sciences” (August, 1-5) and “Spatial Econometrics” (August 15-19), which have been delivered by professor Donald Green (Columbia University) and by professor Robert Franzese (University of Michigan), respectively.

6th ECPR Summer School in Methods and Techniques

ECPR was able to create a serious atmosphere for studying and to include as much lessons into a 2-week course as in a semester.

Workshop “Principles of Industrial Statistics and UNIDO Approaches to Classifying Industry Sectors by Technology Intensity” by Shyam Upadhyaya

On June 22, 2011 the Research Laboratory of Science and Technology Studies, HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK), has organized an open workshop by Shyam Upadhyaya “Principles of Industrial Statistics and UNIDO Approaches to Classifying Industry Sectors by Technology Intensity”.

FP7: In the Framework Beyond the Frames

On July 22nd an information day dedicated to the EU’s Seventh Framework Programme for research and technology development took place at the HSE. Anna Pikalova, Director of the HSE International Centre for the Promotion of Mobility of Researchers, Students and Postgraduates, told us about the HSE’s participation in this programme and particularly about the creation of a Russian-European information portal as part of FP7.

Оpen seminar by Dr. Ozcan Saritas on ‘New Foresight methods’

On July 20th, 2011, an open seminar by Dr. Ozcan Saritas on ‘New Foresight methods’ took place at the HSE. The event was organized by the HSE ISSEK Laboratory for Science and Technology Studies.

Оpen seminar by Dr. Ozcan Saritas on ‘New Foresight methods’

On July 20th, 2011, an open seminar by Dr. Ozcan Saritas on ‘New Foresight methods’ took place at the HSE. The event was organized by the HSE ISSEK Laboratory for Science and Technology Studies.

Researchers of ILSCR at international conferences

Regional Conference of the International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP) entitled "Istanbul: 25 years later: Self-Reflections and Future Directions" held in Istanbul, Turkey, from 30th June to 3 July.

Science, Technology and Innovation Development

International workshop "Science, Technology and Innovation Development” was held at Higher School of Economics on July 11-13, 2011

Germany And Russia: Innovation Development

On July 11-th, the three day Russian-German seminar ‘S&T and Innovation Development’ started at HSE. The organizers of the event are the Institute for Statistical studies and Economics of knowledge (ISSEK, HSE) and the Fraunhofer Institute for systems and innovation research (ISI, Germany).

I Summer School “Values and Socio-Economical Behaviour: Cross-cultural Dimensions and Explanatory Models”: interviews with participants

In the end of the Summer School researchers of the International Scientific-Educational Laboratory of Socio-Cultural Research interviewed professors Eldad Davidov, Valery Chirkov, Shalom Schwarts, Emiko Kashima, Nadezhda Lebedeva, Peter Schmidt, Adam Cohen. During the interview experts described their impressions of the event and offered their ideas about the organization of future Summer Schools.