
The manuscript of the Laboratory of Microphysiological Systems team has been accepted for publication

Graphical abstract
Our results show that the design of shRNA affects its processing by RNase-III Dicer and can result in the generation of undesirable 5'-isoforms of miRNA/siRNA encoded within the shRNA. This effect is especially significant for miRNA/siRNA longer than 19 nt.

Vyacheslav Pyatakov gave a talk at the workshop "From the Logical Point of View"

Vyacheslav Pyatakov gave a talk at the workshop "From the Logical Point of View"
Intern researcher IL LogLinFF Vyacheslav Pyatakov made a presentation at the workshop "From the Logical Point of View", which took place on June 14.

Natalia Bulchenko and Arsenii Buchatskii became the winners of the 7th season of the «‎I am a Professional» Student Olympiad

Natalia Bulchenko and Arsenii Buchatskii became the winners of the 7th season of the «‎I am a Professional» Student Olympiad
On 13 June, the results of the VII season of the All-Russian Student Olympiad «‎I am a Professional» organized by the association of the same name were summed up. The winners included the staff of the ILSIR: research assistants Natalia Bulchenko and Arsenii Buchatskii. We talked to Natalia and Arsenii and found out their impressions and secrets of successful participation.

Anna Derkacheva, Researcher of the International Laboratory of Landscape Ecology, Took Part in the Conference of the European Society for Risk Analysis in Athens

The banner of the Conference at the entrance to the University
In the beginning of June 2024, the annual conference of the European Society for Risk Analysis was held in Athens, organized by the Faculty of Geography of the Charokopio University of Athens (Greece).

Congratulations to Dmitry Sergeevich Malyshev, Leading Research Fellow on winning the competition for the best Russian-language works of the HSE

Maria Poptsova visited the Chukotka branch of the North-Eastern Federal University. M.K. Ammosov in the city of Anadyr

Maria Poptsova visited the Chukotka branch of the North-Eastern Federal University. M.K. Ammosov in the city of Anadyr
At the invitation of the Chukotka branch in Anadyr, Maria Poptsova, head of the International Bioinformatics Laboratory of the Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Sciences, Faculty of Computer Science, National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow), visited Anadyr.

Articles by Elena Dragalina-Chernaya and Jorge Luis Mendes Martinez are published in HORIZON journal

Elena Dragalina-Chernaya's article "Variants of Invariance in Formal and Regional Ontologies" and Jorge Luis Mendes Martinez's article "The Logical and Pedagogical Paths of Phenomenology. Adalberto García de Mendoza’s and Francisco Larroyo’s Forays" were published in a special issue of the journal “Horizon. Studies in Phenomenology” devoted to analytical philosophy and phenomenology.

IDLab Workshop

IDLab Workshop
Egor Ivanov presented the study "Exploring the Priorities of US Professional Leagues - Profit or Victory?". Co-authors of this research: Petr Parshakov and Dennis Coate

Members of the Center for Bioelectrical Interfaces spoke at the scientific-practical conference with international participation "JUNE. NEURONAUKI. ZHIGULI"

Members of the Center for Bioelectrical Interfaces spoke at the scientific-practical conference with international participation "JUNE. NEURONAUKI. ZHIGULI"
The scientific and practical conference is organized by the Association of Specialists in Clinical Neurophysiology (ASCLIN).
The main objectives of the conference include improvement of the quality of interdisciplinary interaction between specialists, discussion of methodological aspects of diagnostics and treatment of diseases of the nervous system.

Interaction between doctors and parents of children with special needs: results of the quantitative phase of the study

Interaction between doctors and parents of children with special needs: results of the quantitative phase of the study
On June 11, 2024 the seminar "Interaction between doctors and parents of children with special needs: regulations and experience of informing" was held, which was attended by members of the ILSIR research project and experts from the Center for Therapeutic Pedagogy, a partner organization, and the Coordinating Council working group. The report of the laboratory staff and the subsequent discussion with experts were devoted to the first results of the quantitative stage of the research on the experience of implementing a protocol for reporting the diagnosis in the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation.