D.V. Ivanov presented a report on the relationship between dispositions and the experience of guilt due to violation of inclusive norms by agents of inclusion.
Thesis topic: "The role of personal strategies for maintaining privacy in social networks in the formation of individual social capital.
Scientific adviser: PhD in Sociological Sciences, head of SCILA Koltsova Elena Yurievna.
Scientific adviser: PhD in Sociological Sciences, head of SCILA Koltsova Elena Yurievna.
Scientists can measure individual sensitivity towards unfairness
The book is published in one of the most prestigious international publishers of scientific literature Springer and presents a comprehensive analysis of the Runet as a complex social phenomenon.
The Ideas Centre for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research has announced the results of its 2023 competition. Five leading neuroscientists will receive grants to open graduate positions for early-career researchers who want to work on solutions to fundamental problems in this area. Three of the competition winners are scientists from HSE University: Matteo Feurra (HSE University in Moscow), Anastasia Kolmogorova (HSE University in St Petersburg), and Sofia Kulikova (HSE University in Perm).