
The project of the laboratory staff led by Dmitry Taletsky won the competition of mathematical projects carried out by young researchers.

Laboratory Seminar 'Influence of SARS-CoV-2 VOC Omicron Mutations on the Spectrum of High-Affinity Peptides in the Moscow Population'

On November 15, 2022, the Laboratory of Molecular Physiology held a scientific seminar titled 'The influence of SARS-CoV-2 VOC Omicron mutations on the spectrum of high-affinity peptides in the Moscow population'

November 7-11, 2022 SCILA team visited Social Neuroscience Laboratory of Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Professor V. F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Ministry of Health as part of the project "Mirror Laboratories".

November 7-11, 2022 SCILA team visited Social Neuroscience Laboratory of Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Professor V. F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Ministry of Health as part of the project "Mirror Laboratories".
November 7-11, 2022 SCILA team visited Social Neuroscience Laboratory of Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Professor V. F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Ministry of Health as part of the project "Mirror Laboratories".

Our article was published in the Journal of Neural Engineering!

The Journal of Neural Engineering published an article "Decoding speech from a small set of spatially separated minimally invasive intracranial EEG electrodes using a compact and interpretable neural network.

Authors: Artur Petrosyan, Alexey Voskoboinikov, Dmitrii Sukhinin, Anna Makarova, Anastasia Skalnaya, Nastasia Arkhipova, Mikhail Sinkin and Alexei Ossadtchi.

The Scientific Seminar "Approaches to Identifying Heterogeneity of the Factor Space of Landscape Organization and Technical Solutions for Reducing the Dimension of Remote Sensing Data Series"

The Scientific Seminar "Approaches to Identifying Heterogeneity of the Factor Space of Landscape Organization and Technical Solutions for Reducing the Dimension of Remote Sensing Data Series"
On November 10, the third event of a series of seminars on the topic "Current approaches and methods in landscape and environmental research" took place.

‘I Didn’t Ever Think I’d Download Phone Apps for Probability Distribution Functions’

‘I Didn’t Ever Think I’d Download Phone Apps for Probability Distribution Functions’
At naval academy, Aleksandr Moshkov studied spherical trigonometry and built mathematical models of Earth’s surface. Now, the sea captain has dived into HSE University’s Economic Analysis programme. Aleksandr had the truly unique opportunity to study for the Master’s online without giving up his job at sea.

The 2nd International Conference on Social Neuroscience in Ecologically Valid Conditions was held

The 2nd International Conference on Social Neuroscience in Ecologically Valid Conditions was held
The online conference was devoted to the latest global advances in social neuroscience using naturalistic stimuli. Leading Russian and foreign scientists participated in the online conference.

Researchers caused people to behave less rationally by suppressing activity in specific parts of the brain

Researchers caused people to behave less rationally by suppressing activity in specific parts of the brain
Researchers at the HSE Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience have shown experimentally that magnetic stimulation of the prefrontal cortex of the brain causes test subjects to act less rationally, changing how they assess possible outcomes at the moment they make risky decisions. The scientists believe that the discovery will provide a better understanding of the mechanisms that give rise to gaming addiction. The results of the study were published in the journal  Scientific Reports .

IDLab Workshop

IDLab Workshop
Elena Shakina presented a new study "Productivity effect of IT technologies: synthetic control analysis"

Formal Philosophy 2022

Formal Philosophy 2022
On 31 October – 3 November 2022 , the International Conference "Formal Philosophy – 2022" was held, organized by the HSE International Laboratory of Logic, Linguistics and Formal Philosophy.