On November 10, the third event of a series of seminars on the topic "Current approaches and methods in landscape and environmental research" took place.
At naval academy, Aleksandr Moshkov studied spherical trigonometry and built mathematical models of Earth’s surface. Now, the sea captain has dived into HSE University’s Economic Analysis programme. Aleksandr had the truly unique opportunity to study for the Master’s online without giving up his job at sea.
The online conference was devoted to the latest global advances in social neuroscience using naturalistic stimuli. Leading Russian and foreign scientists participated in the online conference.
Researchers at the HSE Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience have shown experimentally that magnetic stimulation of the prefrontal cortex of the brain causes test subjects to act less rationally, changing how they assess possible outcomes at the moment they make risky decisions. The scientists believe that the discovery will provide a better understanding of the mechanisms that give rise to gaming addiction. The results of the study were published in the journal Scientific Reports .
Elena Shakina presented a new study "Productivity effect of IT technologies: synthetic control analysis"
On 31 October – 3 November 2022 , the International Conference "Formal Philosophy – 2022" was held, organized by the HSE International Laboratory of Logic, Linguistics and Formal Philosophy.
The International Laboratory of Landscape Ecology in the period from October 27 to December 15 holds a series of seminars on the topic "Current approaches and methods in landscape and environmental research". The second seminar of the series took place on November 3, 2022.
Centres’ Senior Researcher, Professor Croitoru has visited the Theory group of Professor E. Buzdin at the Laboratory Des Deux Infinis de Bordeaux (LP2IB/CENBG/University of Bordeaux-CNRS/IN2P3) for joint research.
The international conference "Fractional Differential Equations" (Isaac Newton Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge University) was held from January 4, 2022 to April 29, 2022.
26.10.22 Alexey gave a lecture at the XXV Scientific School-Conference of Young Scientists on the Physiology of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology devoted to the study of epilepsy using the method of magnetoencephalography.