
Anti-corruption discourses of civil society actors in Russia in a context of legitimacy deficit

Anti-corruption discourses of civil society actors in Russia in a context of legitimacy deficit
Francesca Chiarvesio successfully passed the preliminary defense of her research project on 27th May, 2022 in a joint event hosted by the International Laboratory for Social Integration Research and the Department of Sociology of HSE University. 

Workshop: Social Media Impact on International Affairs

Workshop: Social Media Impact on International Affairs
SCILA’s Professor Dr. Kliegl, Olessia Koltsova, Victoria Vziatysheva, and Sergei Pashakhinhave presented their work at the workshop in Bonn, Germany.

IDLab members presented their research at the 8th Western Football and Finance Conference

IDLab members presented their research at the 8th Western Football and Finance Conference
Iuliia Naidenova and Petr Parshakov took part in the 8th Western Football and Finance Conference

International seminar "HAO Intelligence for Big Wisdom"

International seminar "HAO Intelligence for Big Wisdom"
An international seminar was held on May 6, 2022.

Vardan Arutiunian at the 10th International Conference on Autism (2022) in Moscow

Vardan Arutiunian at the 10th International Conference on Autism (2022) in Moscow
The member of the Center for Language and Brain Vardan Arutiunian at the 10th International Conference on Autism (2022) in Moscow.

Socio-economic Integration of African Migrants in Russia

Socio-economic Integration of African Migrants in Russia
Isaac Olumayowa Oni successfully had his preliminary defense of his research project on 25th May, 2022 on the platform of the International Laboratory for Social Integration Research.

Social Neuroscience studies of racial in-group bias in empathy

Social Neuroscience studies of racial in-group bias in empathy
Shihui Han, Professor
School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences, Peking University

On May, 24th the First International Conference on Market Sentiment and Investment in Emerging Markets (MSIEM-2022) was organized by CFR&DA

At the conference, the papers were presented by staff of CFR&DA prof. Teplova T.V., Sokolova T.V., Faizulin M.S., Gurov S.V., a post-graduate student of FES Kurmashov A., as well as by leading foreign researchers prof. Munir Q. (Institute of Business Administration, Karachi, Pakistan), prof. Khan A.B. (Institute of Business Administration, Karachi, Pakistan), prof. Hammad W. (Faculty of Economics and Finance, University of Bahrain, Bahrain), prof. Kock C.S. (Faculty of Business and Economics and Accounting, Malaysia), prof. Emrouznejad A. (University of Surrey, UK), prof. Munir R. (Macquarie Business School, Australia).

The paper 'The impact of the Russia-Ukraine conflict on the connectedness of financial markets' by Umar Z., Polat O., Choi S.-Y., Teplova T. is published in Finance Research Letters

The following paper is published: Umar Z., Polat O., Choi S.-Y., Teplova T. (2022). The impact of the Russia-Ukraine conflict on the connectedness of financial markets, Finance Research Letters, 48, 102976.

The paper 'Does geopolitical risk matter for global asset returns? Evidence from quantile-on-quantile regression' by Umar Z., Bossman A., Choi S.-Y., Teplova T. is published in Finance Research Letters

The following paper is published: Umar Z., Bossman A., Choi S.-Y., Teplova T. (2022). Does geopolitical risk matter for global asset returns? Evidence from quantile-on-quantile regression. Finance Research Letters.