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Research & Expertise

Green Energy Patents Boost Company Profitability

Green Energy Patents Boost Company Profitability
An ESG strategy—Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance—not only helps preserve the environment but can also generate tangible income. Thus, the use of renewable energy sources (RES) and green technologies in the energy sector enhances return on investment and profitability. In contrast, higher CO2 emissions result in lower financial performance. This has been demonstrated in a collaborative study by the HSE Faculty of Economic Sciences and the European University at St. Petersburg. Their findings have been published in Frontiers in Environmental Science.

More than 400 observers and practitioners took part in the IV International Scientific Conference "Interaction. Integration. Inclusion: labyrinths of meanings and horizons of possibilities"

More than 400 observers and practitioners took part in the IV International Scientific Conference "Interaction. Integration. Inclusion: labyrinths of meanings and horizons of possibilities"
The IV International Scientific Conference "Interaction. Integration. Inclusion: labyrinths of meanings and horizons of possibilities" has recently concluded. This year, 17 sections and a round table meeting were organized, which brought together more than 400 participants interested in the study and development of socio-cultural integration from different countries and regions of Russia.

Mirror Labs: Joint Section at the VII International Scientific Conference ‘Ethnicity and Culture in the Age of Globalisation: Space and History’

Mirror Labs: Joint Section at the VII International Scientific Conference ‘Ethnicity and Culture in the Age of Globalisation: Space and History’
CSCR staff together with colleagues from KubGTU organised a section devoted to the problem of the Mirror Laboratories project ‘Social and psychological problems of interaction of cultures in the era of globalisation’ within the VII International Scientific Conference ‘Ethnos and culture in the era of globalisation: space and history’

Mirror Labs: Counselling for undergraduate, masters, and postgraduate students on research problems in psychological well-being

Mirror Labs: Seminar “Socio-psychological factors of psychological well-being: cross-regional analysis” with colleagues from the Kuban Technological University

С 24 по 26 июня в рамках проекта Зеркальные лаборатории по теме “Социально-психологические факторы психологического благополучия: кросс-региональный анализ” сотрудниками центра социокультурных исследований в г. Сочи был проведен совместный семинар с коллегами из Кубанского технологического университета.

IV International Research Conference "Interaction. Integration. Inclusion: labyrinths of meanings and horizons of opportunities"

IV International Research Conference "Interaction. Integration. Inclusion: labyrinths of meanings and horizons of opportunities"
The organizer is the International Laboratory for Social Integration Research, HSE University, in partnership with The Journal of Social Policy Studies, conference dates are 5-7 August. On Monday, a plenary session and a section "Digitalization, Trends and Technologies in the context of social Inequalities" were held. Maria Yudina, Senior Researcher at International Laboratory for Digital Transformation in Public Administration of the HSE University, Pavel Suvorkov, Associate Researcher at the Center for Arctic and Siberian Studies of the SI FNSC RAS, and Ilya Ermolin, Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology at HSE University – St. Petersburg, co-authored the report for the section.

The Scientists of The Centre For Quanthum Metamaterials Has Joined The Russian-Chinese Scientific Project

The Scientists of The Centre For Quanthum Metamaterials Has Joined The Russian-Chinese Scientific Project
July 16-24, the director of the Center, Professor Vagov A.V., took part in the work of the Russian - Chinese  School and the symposium "Promising functional materials for quantum Nanoelectronics and Superconductivity", organized on the basis of the Beijing Institute of Technology (PTI). He presented the results of the Center's research on the properties of ferromagnetic superconducting materials.

The Laboratory Staff Took Part in the International Expedition in Mongolia

Typical landscapes of Mongolia
In June-July of this year, the head of the laboratory, Robert Sandlersky, took part in long-term field studies of Mongolia's forest geosystems as part of the Joint Russian-Mongolian Integrated Biological Expedition of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Sciences of Mongolia.

Roman Abramov held an open lecture and seminar at the summer school on social anthropology "sbor—ka"

Roman Abramov held an open lecture and seminar at the summer school on social anthropology "sbor—ka"
On July 27, 2024 Roman Abramov, professor, a leading researcher at our laboratory, gave an open lecture on the topic "Imagination about society and social order in science fiction". The lecture was organized as part of the summer school on social anthropology "sbor—ka".

Connecting Space and Time: Bilinguals Associate Time with Space in Both Their First and Second Languages

Connecting Space and Time: Bilinguals Associate Time with Space in Both Their First and Second Languages
An international team of researchers including scientists at HSE University investigated how bilingual individuals associate time with space. It turns out that in both their first and second languages, people associate the past with the left side of space and the future with the right. In fact, the higher the proficiency in a second language, the more pronounced this relationship becomes. The study findings have been published in Scientific Reports.