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Research & Expertise

Presentation at the Laboratory of Economic and Sociological Research

On October 30, at the Laboratory for Economic and Sociological Research (Laboratory for Studies in Economic Sociology), Guido Sechi (PhD, Department of Human Geography, University of Latvia) gave a presentation on the results of a study carried out in conjunction with Tatarko A. N.

Language Science Press Launches a Sook Series on Languages of the Caucasus

Language Science Press Launches a Sook Series on Languages of the Caucasus
On October 31, 2018, Language Science Press, a publisher of linguistic books, officially announced the launch of a new book series called Languages of the Caucasus.

Meetings at the School of Social Work of the University of Tel Aviv

From October 19 to 25, at the University of Tel Aviv, Israel, stuff of the School of Social Work and the International Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research conducted a series of events to exchange experiences in the field of the psychology of migration.

We've opened the registration for fifth international school for young scientists "Active and passive methods of brain research"

The school will take place on the 29-30 of November. Registration is open till November 20. All talks will be held in English.

Conference of the Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies

ICSID research fellow Fabian Burkhardt took part in the Fifth Annual Conference of the Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies that was held in Munich on October 25-27, 2018. He presented his paper «On Presidents and Presidencies: Single-Country Studies and Comparative Authoritarianism, the Case of Russia».

Supporting Innovative Clusters: the Evolution of Formats

On the third day of the VII Open Innovations Forum Evgeny Kutsenko, Head of the HSE ISSEK Russian Cluster Observatory took part in two panel discussions. The first one focused on new tools for providing support to innovative clusters – world-class investment appeal leaders, while the second was devoted to Moscow’s prospects of becoming a global innovation centre by concentrating its creative and production potential around an innovative cluster.

The World of Innovation: from Indicators to Policies

One of the round table discussions at the VII Open Innovation Forum (15-17 October, Skolkovo) focused on using various indices and rankings to adjust  goals and objectives, and assess effectiveness of innovation policies. HSE ISSEK members Vitaly Roud and Evgeny Kutsenko took part in the debates, speaking about applying the Global Innovation Index and the ISSEK-maintained Russian Regional Innovation Development Ranking in management practices on the regional and city levels.

Aigul Mavletova entered the «Field Methods» journal’s editorial board

Aigul Mavletova entered the «Field Methods» journal’s editorial board
Aigul Mavletova, Senior Research Fellow at the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research and Assistant Professor at the Department for Analysis of Social Institutions, officially entered the Editorial Board of international interdisciplinary scientific journal «Field Methods».

Knowledge of Foreign Languages by Russian Scientists

The HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge conducted a survey of more than 2 thousand Russian doctorate holders, in order to assess the situation with foreign language skills among highly qualified scientific personnel.

8 Technology Trends in Housing and Urban Environment

DOM.RF commissioned to the HSE ISSEK Foresight Centre an analysis of more promising technological solutions for construction of housing; the results are presented in the publication 'The Future of Housing: Best Technological Development Practices'. The report outlines how housing construction, and urban environment generally are likely to develop (including in the scope of the 'smart city' concept).