Andrei Yakovlev was invited to give a talk at the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies (Harvard University) on March 9, 2018. The paper that Professor Yakovlev presented was called “In Response to External Shocks: How Advanced Russian Regions React to Changes in Federal Policies – the Experience of Tatarstan”. The seminar was chaired by Thomas Remington, the Davis Center Associate and Visiting Professor at Harvard University.
Research & Expertise
ICSID Director Andrei Yakovlev presented his paper "Mobilizing Law in Developing Countries: Some Implications from Russian ‘Limited Access Order’" at “The Life & Legacy of Douglass North” Conference that took place at George Mason University in Arlington, the USA, on March 2-3.
The ICSID project on public-private partnerships in VET that is supported by the Russian Science Foundation was extended for another year. The three-year project started in 2016 thanks to a generous grant by the RSF, and involves researchers from ICSID and the Institute of Education at HSE.
On February 23, 2018 in The University of Maryland, Baltimore County (US) associate professor of Economics and Finance Department, research fellow of IDLab Anna Bykova at research workshop presented the results of joint research with prof. Dennis Coates entitled “Economic freedom and firm performance: evidence from Russian companies”.
Time: 16.50 - 18.10
Place: 3A Kantemirovskaya st., room: 343
Place: 3A Kantemirovskaya st., room: 343
Academic Supervisor of Laboratory Eric Moulines gave a talk «Perturbed Proximal Gradient Algorithms»
On February 22 at the Faculty of Computer Science Colloquium Academic Supervisor of Laboratory Eric Moulines gave a talk «Perturbed Proximal Gradient Algorithms».
After receiving her PhD in Psychology from the University of the Basque Country, Beatriz Martín-Luengo arrived in Moscow in 2015 to join the Centre for Cognition & Decision Making at HSE as a Research Fellow. Since then, she has pursued research interests that focus on the ecological study of human memory (i.e., variables that affect our recollection) and metamemory, which is the introspective knowledge of one's own memory capabilities (and strategies that can aid memory) and the processes involved in memory self-monitoring.
On Wednesday, February 21 the all-Russian seminar "Mathematical methods of decision analysis in economics, finance and politics" was held. Professor A. Lepskiy gave a lecture on «Conflict of evidence evaluation within the framework of the theory of the belief functions»
Kseniya Abanokova, Junior Research Fellow at the Centre for Comprehensive Social Policy Studies (HSE), presented her current research on "Pocketbook motivation in voting in Russia" at another session of the ICSID and CSDSI Research Seminar on Diversity and Development on February 20, 2018.