The first seminar ‘Modern demography’ took place on the 9th of March 2017. Head of the Institute of demography at NRU HSE Anatoly G. Vishnevsky presented a paper: ‘Features of the current stage of the epidemiologic transition in Russia’,
Research & Expertise
Gulnara Abdrakhmanova, Leonid Gokhberg, and Alexander Sokolov prepared a chapter “Indicators of Information and Communication Technology” for 10-volume set of the Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (edited by Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, Information Resources Management Association, USA). Its Fourth Edition will be released in July, 2017 and it is available for pre-order.
On March 2 Tomas Jurcik (Assistant Professor, PhD, Faculty of Social Science, School of Psychology, HSE) took part in the "Culture matters" research seminar with the report on "Immigrants with Trauma: From Risk to Resilience".
Dr. Chris Welzel, LCSR's Chief Research Fellow, gave a TED talk titled "Moral Progress: Expanding the Human Mind" at the Leuphana University Lüneburg. Use the link to watch video.
Edited and with a new introduction by Professor John W. Berry (Chief research fellow of ILSCR) and David L. Sam (University of Bergen, Norway) the new series of 4 volumes on cross-cultural psychology will include the collection of basic classical works as well as contemporary research devoted to various topics studied in the framework of cross-cultural psychology.
Scientific Report "Calculating Corruption: Political Competition and Bribery under Authoritarianism"
HSE International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development (ICSID) and NES Center for the Study of Diversity and Social Interactions held another session of their Research Seminar on Diversity and Development on February 28th, 2017. The event was held jointly with the seminar “Political Economy”.
The Higher School of Economics Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (LCSR) in Moscow, Russia invites applications for postdoctoral research positions in the field of comparative studies.
The article «Was ist es, das Russland zu verteidigen versucht?» by Andrei Yakovlev, ICSID and IIMS Director was published in the journal Russland-Analysen.
In Tula, a city packed with the Russian defence industry, Californian musician David Brown and fan Pavel Bazdyrev have been making high-end microphones since 2014, taking advantage of cheap labor and second hand machinery from Kalashnikov arms plants. Vasily Abashkin, Leading Expert at the Centre for Industrial Policy HSE ISSEK, told Associated Press that the engineering sector in Russia has not yet caught up with foreign countries to bridge the gap of the last two decades.