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Research & Expertise

New HSE Laboratory Seeks to Become Leading Game Theory Research Centre

At the beginning of the current academic year, the International Laboratory of Game Theory and Decision Making opened at HSE St. Petersburg. Its launch marked a significant milestone in the university’s development, as the lab gathered internationally recognized scholars and representatives of the Russian Academy of Science.

Hierarchy and identities’ compatibility of different ethnic groups of the North Caucasus

On February 1 Olga S. Pavlova (Cand. Ped. Sciences, associate Professor, chair of ethnic psychology and psychological problems of multicultural education in Moscow State University of Psychology and Education" (MSUPE); expert of the Department of science, education and culture of Muslim Spiritual Board in Russian Federation; member of ed. board of the journal "Islam in the modern world") took part in the «Culture matters» research seminar with the report on "Hierarchy and identities’ compatibility of different ethnic groups of the North Caucasus".

Lonely people become less happy with age

Anna Shirokanova (LCSR Senior Research Fellow) gave an interview to OPEC.ru. She briefly described the results of her own research and explained why the level of happiness of lonely people decreases with age.

‘A Strategy Built with ‘Jokers’ Might in the End Come up Trumps’

How dangerous is the ‘beaten track’ effect in discussions on Russia’s science and technology (S&T) development? Is it enough to master new technologies without changing the institutions for the country to successfully enter global markets? Alexander Chulok, Deputy Director of the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge Foresight Centre, commented on the key topics of a recent online discussion on ‘Russia’s place on the global technology map’, on the Russian science and technology website STRF.ru which attracted a wide range of pundits.


of junior undergraduate students applied for admission to more than one programme or to more than one university. 

Science and Technology Indicators in the Russian Federation: 2016

The present data book is another one in the series of publications, dedicated to different aspects of scientific development in the Russian Federation. It begins with tables, where together with the main science and technology indicators there are data concerning the main innovative activities.

Russian Science, An Insider’s View

February 8th is Russian Science Day. How do people, directly involved in the process of generating and advancing new knowledge - scientists, entrepreneurs and public servants - assess the health and potential of Russian science today? Here are the results of a survey by HSE researchers in which experts, representatives of government bodies, scientific organisations, universities, hi-tech companies and social organisations express their views on the state of science in Russia and what should be done to improve it.

Job market seminar by Emre Dogan was held

Speaker: Emre Dogan (DeCAn lab)
Topic: "An egalitarian solution to minimum cost spanning tree problems"

Stanislav O. Speranski Made a Report "Reasoning with probability spaces"

Febrary 1, Stanislav O. Speranski, Scientific Researcher  Laboratory of Logical Systems Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, gave a presentation at the session of the seminar of International Laboratory for Intelligent Systems and Structural Analysis.

Yulia Akinina and Valeria Tolkacheva participated in the 34th annual European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology

The 34th annual European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology took place on January 24-29 in Bressanone/Brixen, Italy.