Research & Expertise
Lecture by Linda Worrall on ‘Best Practice Recommendations for Aphasia across the Continuum of Care’
On June 3 a lecture by Linda Worrall on ‘Best Practice Recommendations for Aphasia across the Continuum of Care’ took place at HSE. The event was organized by the Neurolinguistics Laboratory.
On June 26, the HSE Academic Council approved the opening of two new international laboratories. Specifically, the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management will gain a laboratory for the study of healthcare economics, management, and policy, as well as a laboratory for game theory and decision-making. The labs' academic supervisors will be renowned international scholars.
On June 25, Zarina Lepshokova and Viktoria Galyapina (senior researchers at ISEL-SCR, Higher School of Economics, Moscow) took part in the «Culture matters» research seminar.
The Springer publishing company shared the statistics on the book “Science, Technology and Innovation Policy for the Future. Potentials and Limits of Foresight Studies” edited by Dirk Meissner, Leonid Gokhberg and Alexander Sokolov. Since its release in 2013, it has passed the threshold of 9500 downloads at the Springer website.