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Research & Expertise

European focus

Two HSE events in STI policy were featured in the May 2015 issue of the 'International Research Update' — the monthly newsletter from the European Commission providing an overview of news related to the international dimension of EU research and innovation policy and projects.

The presence of the past: identity continuity and group dynamics

On June 8 during the international research conference "Culture in society, between groups and across generations" Maykel Verkuyten, PhD, Professor at the Utrecht University (the Netherlands) made the presentation on "The presence of the past: identity continuity and group dynamics".

Long-term prospects for international cooperation were discussed at HSE

On May 28, 2015 the Higher School of Economics hosted the international workshop “State-of-the-art competence centre programmes in Europe. Opportunities for EU-Russia Science and Technology Collaboration”. The participants presented competence centres’ best practices, shared experience of implementing joint S&T projects, and discussed opportunities for establishing cooperation.

Research Fellows of the Neurolinguistics Laboratory Took Part in the International School of Clinical Neuroanatomy

On May 25-27 Research Fellows of the Neurolinguistics Laboratory took part in the International School of Clinical Neuroanatomy. 

Artem Revenko Made a Report "Automatic construction of implication theories"

May 29, Artem Revenko, a Phd student of TU Dresden, made a report at the session of our seminar.

Leonid Gokhberg: “Innovation development in the regions is a single option factor of the country’s economic growth”

On 20 May, 2015 the third issue of the Russian Regional Innovation Development Rating published by the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge was presented at the Higher School of Economics (HSE). Researchers rated 83 regions by the integral indicator — Russian Regional Innovation Index (RRII).

Olga Dragoy presented a report "Aphasia as a neuropsychological syndrome"

On May 12, Olga Dragoy, the head of the Neurolinguistics Laboratory, presented a talk "Aphasia as a neuropsychological syndrome" for staff and students of the Neurocognition and Theoretical Syntax Center, Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori, Pavia, Italy.

Plans for water

Russia’s fresh water supply is among the largest in the world, but these resources are not always used efficiently. According to Yuri Golubkov, director of S&T Policy and Modernisation department of Renova Group of Companies, optimising the water sector management first of all requires sorting out organisational and legal issues, followed by solving technological problems. In the framework of a joint HSE — Renova foresight project, HSE experts analysed strategic approaches to managing the water sector suggesting four different scenarios.

Information Society Indicators in the Russian Federation: 2015

This data book continues the series of annual publications by the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE ISSEK). It presents statistical data on ICT infrastructure, activities of ICT sector enterprises, and content and media sector. It also presents summary indicators of business activity of enterprises rendering IT services, and ICT usage by enterprises, households, and individuals.

How Can Science Be Governed and Evaluated?

Giorgio Sirilli, former chairman of the OECD Working Party of National Experts on Science and Technology Indicators (NESTI), is offering lectures to the HSE academic staff and students of the Master’s programme in Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI)