The INSNA congress (International Network for Social Network Analysis) took place in Hamburg (Germany) on 21-26 of May. XXXIII Sunbelt Social Networks Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA). More information about this event can be found on the conference website.
Research & Expertise
Lusine Grigoryan, junior researcher of ILSCR, participated in 16th congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, organized in University of Munster, Germany.
By results of competition for participation in the Summer School "Designing, performing and presenting social psychology and sociology research: From initial questions to publication", 22 participants were selected.
On May 16 has been held a seminar in series "Culture Matters". During this seminar Elena Omelchenko, PhD, Associate Professor of the UNESCO Moscow Institute of Open Education, General Director of the "Ethnosphere", made a presentation on following topic "Language and socio-cultural adaptation of international migrants through education."
In May 2013 personnel of ILSCR – Lusine Grigoryan, Maria Efremova and Ekaterina Bushina – took part in advanced training program organized by Social Research Association in Edinburgh, Scotland.
On April 18 Victoria N. Galyapina, senior researcher of our laboratory, PhD in psychology, took part in the «Culture matters» research seminar with the report on "The results of the analysis of the views of ordinary residents of the North Caucasus Federal District on the problems of mutual adaptation of migrants and host population". Read more...
Short-term advanced training program “Social Identity, Values and Migration” took place from 25th of March till 5th of April. Program included three thematic parts.
On 4th of April, professors of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel) Lilach Sagiv and Sonia Roccas made a report "Social Identity Complexity and Inferences Regarding the Motivations of Ingroup Members" on scientific seminar "Culture matters".
On the 27th of March there has been held a seminar "Psychology of acculturation: Berry vs. Boski". The presenter was Pawel Boski, professor, head of laboratory of cultural psychology and cross-cultural research, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, head of department of cross-cultural psychology, Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland).
On the 12 of March Vladimir Mukomel, doctor of Sociology, Head of the sector of studying migration and integration processes of the Institute of Sociology Russian Academy of Science, made a report on following topic: "Migration to Russia: challenges, potential, risks".