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Research & Expertise

The article of Kurochkin S., Rodina V. is accepted for publication in the "Economics and Mathematical Methods" journal

The article "Optimal Solution for Immunizing Arbitrarily Scheduled Multiple Liabilities" (In Rus.) of Kurochkin S., Rodina V. is accepted for publication in the "Economics and Mathematical Methods" journal.

Abstract. Immunization, a control tool for interest rate dependent changes in the value of an asset portfolio given a similar dependency for a target liability portfolio, is central to portfolio management. A vast body of academic literature describes various immunization models either for the case of a single liability payout or assuming a specific change in the yield curve or both. This paper is the first to propose an immunization solution for the case of multiple liability payouts assuming arbitrary changes in the yield curve. For the case of multiple liability payouts, we generalize M-Absolute, which is a risk measure proposed by Nawalkha и Chambers (1996), and estimate the proximity of payment streams with EMD (the Wasserstein distance) which is a well-known tool in machine learning. In line with Fong and Vasicek (1984), it is shown that portfolio’s interest rate risk is constrained to a product of two factors with one factor, EMD between asset and liability streams, being only dependent on the portfolio structure and the other factor, the sup-norm of the function of interest rate shocks, being solely determined by changes in the yield curve. We also show the unimprovability of the estimate and obtain, in an explicit form, a computational procedure for the optimal immunizing portfolio. The results are practically applicable as exemplified by the immunization of an annuity-type security with a portfolio of government bonds.

The articles of the staff of the laboratory are published in the journal "Social Policy and Society"

The articles of the staff of the laboratory are published in the journal "Social Policy and Society"
Articles by Elena R. Iarskaia-Smirnova (laboratory head), Linda Jean Cook (academic supervisor), leading researchers Daria Prisyazhniuk and Mike Titterton are published in the thematic issue of the journal Social Policy and Society.

Report on the topic “Predictors of increasing an individual’s physical attractiveness using the examples from 93 countries.”

Report on the topic “Predictors of increasing an individual’s physical attractiveness using the examples from 93 countries.”
On March 28, 2023, another seminar of the Center for Sociocultural Research of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, “Culture Matters,” took place. As part of this seminar, Dmitry Igorevich Dubrov, PhD in Psychology and researcher at the Center for Sociocultural Research, associate professor of the Department of Psychology, made a report on the topic: “Predictors of increasing an individual’s physical attractiveness using the examples from 93 countries.”

57% of civil servants believe that after the imposition of sanctions upon Russia, the speed of digitalization has increased

Head of the International Laboratory for Digital Transformation in Public Administration Evgeny Styrin commented on the process of digitalization in the public sector under sanctions based on a survey of civil servants conducted by the Polylog agency.

S.U.P.I. Network

S.U.P.I. Network
Senior Researcher of the International Laboratory of Digital Transformation in Public Administration Maria Yudina participated in the discussion at the International Conference of Social Precarization.

Laboratory researchers presented a report at the conference "Science-intensive Laboratory Technologies for Clinical Practice".

Laboratory researchers presented a report at the conference "Science-intensive Laboratory Technologies for Clinical Practice".
20 марта 2023 г. в рамках конференции «Наукоемкие лабораторные технологии для клинической практики»  на секции, посвященной опухолевым маркерам сотрудница Международной лаборатории микрофизиологических систем Мария Янова выступила с докладом «Маркеры эффективности химиотерапии с использованием гемцитабина у больных раком мочевого пузыря».

The Laboratory's Application Received the Support of the HSE Competition Commission

The Laboratory's Application Received the Support of the HSE Competition Commission
The application of the Laboratory "Biophysical functions of South Taiga landscapes based on experimental and remote measurements" was supported by the competition commission of the program to attract Russian postdocs for the 2023/2024 academic year.

Social Axioms and Individual Values as Predictors of COVID-19 Fear Among University Students of Countries with Different Government Strategies of Managing the Pandemic

“Social Axioms and Individual Values as Predictors of COVID-19 Fear Among University Students of Countries with Different Government Strategies of Managing the Pandemic”, An article by Nadezhda Murashchenkova  a researcher at the Center for Sociocultural Research was published in the first issue of 2023 of the journal “Psychology in Russia: State of the Art”.

The third meeting of the Disability Studies colloquium at the Tretyakov Gallery

The third meeting of the Disability Studies colloquium at the Tretyakov Gallery
On the March 16, the third meeting took place within the framework of the Disability Studies colloquium at the Tretyakov Gallery. This time the tour and lecture were devoted to the images of caring in Russian art of the late 19th - early 20th centuries.

Data-centric public administration: how the "digit" helps to ensure the accuracy of forecasts and the effectiveness of solutions

The functionality of state information systems, the quality of data have reached maturity, the accumulation stage is replaced by the stage of developing system solutions. The role of digital transformation in modern public administration was discussed at the joint scientific seminar "Data-centric public administration: effects, risks, barriers", which was held within the framework of the strategic project "Digital Transformation: technologies, effects, efficiency". Evgeny Styrin, Head of the International Laboratory of Digital Transformation in Public Administration at the IPAG HSE, made a presentation on "Data-based Public Administration: Key Barriers and Development Prospects".