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Research & Expertise

Socio-economic Integration of African Migrants in Russia

Socio-economic Integration of African Migrants in Russia
Isaac Olumayowa Oni successfully had his preliminary defense of his research project on 25th May, 2022 on the platform of the International Laboratory for Social Integration Research.

Demographic and family policies in three post-communist countries

Demographic and family policies in three post-communist countries
A seminar dedicated to demographic and family policy in three post-communist countries was held at the International Laboratory for Social Integration Research on May 23, 2022.

The role of the acculturation attitude in the success of teaching foreign students

On May 19 Maxim Sokolovsky (PhD, Leading Researcher, Scientific and Educational Center for Psychological Support of Personal and Professional Development, Institute of Science and Technology, North Caucasus Federal University) took part in the "Culture matters" research seminar with the report "The role of the acculturation attitude in the success of teaching foreign students".

St.Petersburg Economic seminar (HSE, EU, PDMI) on May, 12: Alexander S. Nesterov (HSE in St.Petersburg)

Topic: Robustness to manipulations
Date & Time: May, 12; 18:00 - 19:00
Where: St.Petersburg, Gagarinskaya St, 6, Gagarinsky lecture hall (EUSP) & Webinar online platform

Children and Youth in Post-socialist Countries

Children and Youth in Post-socialist Countries
A workshop dedicated to the inclusion of children and youth in post-socialist countries was held at the Research-Educational Group «Inclusive Society: Comparative Analysis of Structural Conditions and Insiders' Opinions in Russia and Post-socialist Countries» аnd International Laboratory for Social Integration Research on May 3, 2022. It discussed a draft of a research article being prepared for a special issue of the journal «Children and Youth Services Review».

Places of power for deaf youth in Moscow

Places of power for deaf youth in Moscow
On February 29, the Museum of Moscow hosted a lesson in the Deaf Teens laboratory of the Kaskad project school. The lesson was dedicated to the researches and was conducted by Nikita Bolshakov, IL SIR senior researcher.

Researchers Explain How Massive Methane Emissions Affect Warming in the Arctic

Researchers Explain How Massive Methane Emissions Affect Warming in the Arctic
Expeditions to the Eastern Arctic and Kara Seas investigated the thermal properties of bottom sediments. Numerous zones of bubbling methane flux were discovered in the shelf of the Laptev Sea and the East Siberian Sea, which researchers believe is affecting climate warming in the Arctic. The study has been published inMarine and Petroleum Geology.

Seminar "Expert opinion and data analysis"

On Wednesday, April 27, the National Research University Higher School of Economics hosted a seminar "Expert opinion and data analysis".

Winning Research Initiative Projects to be Implemented by the End of 2022

Winning Research Initiative Projects to be Implemented by the End of 2022
In April, the results of the Research Initiative student project competition were announced at HSE University. Twenty-two team applications were submitted by students of 20 different fields of study at HSE University’s campuses in Moscow, Perm, and Nizhny Novgorod. Based on the results of expert assessment, the competition committee approved 17 interdisciplinary projects to be implemented by December 2022.

St.Petersburg Economic seminar (HSE, EU, PDMI) on April, 28: Dmitry A. Veselov (HSE)

Topic: Crony Capitalism as an Electoral Outcome
Date & Time: April, 28; 18:00 - 19:00
Where: St. Petersburg, Shpalernaya St, 1 (EUSP) & online platform Webinar