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Research & Expertise

Kemal Kıvanç Aköz: "Preemptive versus Counter Offers"

The 7th session of the research seminaron Diversity and Development - 2019 was held in the HSE campus at Shabolovka on April 23.

10% of Patents in G20 Countries are Registered to Women

The new IQ.HSE figure of the day is taken from the review published by the HSE ISSEK Information and Coordination Centre for Cooperation With the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, based on the OECD report 'Bridging the Digital Gender Divide: Include, Upskill, Innovate'.

Innovative vs Bureaucratic Organizational Culture: Importance for Proactivity of University Students

On April 18 Abramova O.A. (Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Psychology, HSE) took part in the "Culture matters" research seminar with the report "Innovative vs Bureaucratic Organizational Culture: Importance for Proactivity of University Students".

Speech by Professor Bernhard Ganter (TU-Dresden) in the framework of "The Days of Computer Science”

A professor at the University of Dresden Bernhard Ganter gave a lecture at the Open Lecture Hall on the Days of Computer Science on April 6, 2019.

Altruism in medicine: First evidence from an experimental panel study

Altruism in medicine: First evidence from an experimental panel study
The Senior Research Fellow of the Laboratory Heike Hennig-Schmidt presented the results of the new experiment on XX April International Academic Conference at Higher School of Economics.

Tacit collusion in the lab: a Double Cheating Experiment

Tacit collusion in the lab: a Double Cheating Experiment
The Head of the Laboratory Alexis Belianin presented some results of the ongoing experiment on double cheating tentatively called "Tacit collusion in the lab: a Double Cheating Experiment" on the Neuroeconomic workshop on April 19.

Lecture by V. Davydov on "P2P lending as a driver for the development of a new banking business"

On Wednesday, April 17 the all-Russian seminar "Mathematical methods of decision analysis in economics, finance and politics" was held. V. Davydov gave a lecture on "P2P lending as a driver for the development of a new banking business".

A Common Strategic Approach to the EAEU S&T Development is in Order

On 12 April, 2019, in the scope of the 'Foresight and STI Policy' symposium (part of the HSE XX April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development) a series of events were held to discuss STI cooperation in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).

A new article in The Journal of Politics

The article “Elections, Protest, and Trust in Government: A Natural Experiment from Russia” by Timothy Frye and Ekaterina Borisova was published online on the Journal of Politics website on April 16.

Cultural complexes expressed in language constructs of the Russian, Kazakh, and Turkish languages

On April 16 Khokhlatova E. (Founder of the Group for the Development of Analytical Psychology in Kazakhstan) took part in the "Culture matters" research seminar with the report "Cultural complexes expressed in language constructs of the Russian, Kazakh, and Turkish languages".