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Tag "achievements"

Semyon Abramyan got the Silver Nestling Award

Semyon Abramyan got the Silver Nestling Award
Semyon Abramyan, Laboratory research intern, 1st-year master’s student of the programme in ‘Mathematics’, got Golden HSE Award in category Silver Nestling

Vsevolod Nikolskiy enrolled in the "Full-time Advanced Doctoral Programme" of HSE

Vsevolod Nikolskiy enrolled in the "Full-time Advanced Doctoral Programme" of HSE
The junior research fellow of the laboratory Vsevolod Nikolskiy won the competition for admission to the "Full-time Advanced Doctoral Programme-2018" in the specialty "Computer and Information Sciences".

Aigul Mavletova entered the «Field Methods» journal’s editorial board

Aigul Mavletova entered the «Field Methods» journal’s editorial board
Aigul Mavletova, Senior Research Fellow at the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research and Assistant Professor at the Department for Analysis of Social Institutions, officially entered the Editorial Board of international interdisciplinary scientific journal «Field Methods».

Congratulations to the young staff of the laboratory under the leadership of the leading research fellow Dmitry Malyshev with the victory in the RFBR competition “stability”

Laboratory researchers won the grant competitions of the "BASIS" Foundation

Dmitry Kaledin, Konstantin Shramov and Nikon Kurnosov won research grant competitions of the "BASIS" Foundation

ICSID research fellow David Szakonyi — 2018 Gabriel A. Almond Award Recipient

The American Political Science Association (APSA) presented the Gabriel A. Almond Award to David Szakonyi at the 2018 APSA Annual Meeting & Exhibition, the world’s largest gathering of political scientists and source for emerging scholarship in the discipline. The award recognizes the best dissertation on comparative politics. The award was created in recognition of Gabriel Almond's contributions to the discipline, profession, and Association. Almond's scholarly work contributed directly to the development of theory in comparative politics and brought together work on the developing areas and Western Europe that prevented splintering into an array of disparate areas studies.

'Atlas of Future Technologies' Nominated for the Enlightener 2018 Award

The Organising Committee of the Enlightener 2018 Award has published a long list of 24 books, each of which has a chance to become the best popular science book of the new season. Among other titles, the long list includes 'Atlas of Future Technologies' which presents results of the Global Technology Trends Monitoring study. This ongoing project is being implemented by the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK) for more than five years. The award winners will be announced in the early October.

ICSID Academic supervisor Timothy Frye received an HSE award

ICSID Academic supervisor Timothy Frye received an HSE award
Timothy Frye was awarded a Medal of Honor from HSE for his active involvement in the work of the International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development (ICSID). The award was presented personally by HSE Academic Supervisor Professor Evgeny Yasin during one of the sessions of the 7th ICSID Conference "Political Economy of Development: Historical and Contemporary Factors" on June 8.

Lecture by professor Nikolay Priezjev on wetting properties of structured surfaces explored by MD simulations

Professor N. Priezjev describes molecular dynamics model used in this work.
On Friday, June 8, seminar "Supercomputer and Multiscale Modelling of Condensed Phase and Biological Systems" was held. Professor Nikolay Piezjev gave a talk on investigation of wetting properties of of structured interfaces in 2 parts.

Professor Pardalos was awarded the medal of "Recognition" of the HSE

Professor Pardalos was awarded the medal of "Recognition" of the HSE