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Tag "achievements"

Congratulations to the research assistant of the laboratory Anastasia Sokolova with the victory in the competition of NIRS

Second School-seminar "Supercomputers in scientific research: the horizons of multiscale modeling and effective supercomputer co-design"

Second School-seminar "Supercomputers in scientific research: the horizons of multiscale modeling and effective supercomputer co-design"
As part of the promotion of modern supercomputer technologies for the needs of scientific research, SAMMA laboratory organized the second school-seminar "Supercomputers in scientific research: the horizons of multi-scale modeling and effective supercomputer co-design". This event brings together developers of advanced supercomputer technologies and scientists who use high-performance computing in their research. The first day was devoted to the analysis of new technical solutions for high-performance computing, and the second to applications of supercomputer modeling, molecular dynamics simulations in the real problems of materials science and molecular biology.

The Results of the Open HSE Student Research Paper Competition (NIRS) in 2018

The Results of the Open HSE Student Research Paper Competition (NIRS) in 2018
Two works of the winners of the Open HSE Student Research Paper Competition (NIRS) in 2018 in subject area “Philosophy” were dedicated to the problems of formal epistemology and were prepared under scientific supervision of the Deputy Head of the International Laboratory for Logic, Linguistics and Formal Philosophy Vitaliy Dolgorukov.

Congratulations to Sarah Sokhey, a winner of the Ed A Hewett Book Prize

Sarah Wilson Sokhey, ICSID Associate Fellow and Assistant Professor at the University of Colorado Boulder, received the Ed A Hewett Book Prize for her book "The Political Economy of Pension Policy Reversal in Post-Communist Countries" that was published by Cambridge University Press in 2017.

Fuad Aleskerov Elected to Academia Europaea

Tenured HSE Professor Fuad Aleskerov, who is the head of the Faculty of Economic Sciences’ Department of Mathematics, has become a member of the Informatics section of the Academia Europaea.

Semyon Abramyan got the Silver Nestling Award

Semyon Abramyan got the Silver Nestling Award
Semyon Abramyan, Laboratory research intern, 1st-year master’s student of the programme in ‘Mathematics’, got Golden HSE Award in category Silver Nestling

Vsevolod Nikolskiy enrolled in the "Full-time Advanced Doctoral Programme" of HSE

Vsevolod Nikolskiy enrolled in the "Full-time Advanced Doctoral Programme" of HSE
The junior research fellow of the laboratory Vsevolod Nikolskiy won the competition for admission to the "Full-time Advanced Doctoral Programme-2018" in the specialty "Computer and Information Sciences".

Aigul Mavletova entered the «Field Methods» journal’s editorial board

Aigul Mavletova entered the «Field Methods» journal’s editorial board
Aigul Mavletova, Senior Research Fellow at the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research and Assistant Professor at the Department for Analysis of Social Institutions, officially entered the Editorial Board of international interdisciplinary scientific journal «Field Methods».

Congratulations to the young staff of the laboratory under the leadership of the leading research fellow Dmitry Malyshev with the victory in the RFBR competition “stability”

Laboratory researchers won the grant competitions of the "BASIS" Foundation

Dmitry Kaledin, Konstantin Shramov and Nikon Kurnosov won research grant competitions of the "BASIS" Foundation