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Tag "achievements"

Congratulations to Dmitry Sergeevich Malyshev, Leading Research Fellow, and Nikita Alexandrovich Kuzmin, a research assistant, on winning the competition for the best Russian-language works of the HSE

Teams of the ILSIR employees are among the winners of the Faculty of Social Sciences Project Groups competition

Teams of the ILSIR employees are among the winners of the Faculty of Social Sciences Project Groups competition
Three projects created with the participation of the ILSIR staff received the support of the Scientific Commission of the Faculty of Social Sciences.

The defense of the candidate's dissertation of Vladislav Evgenievich Kruglov

On June 21, 2023, Vladislav E. Kruglov defended his PhD thesis on the topic "Modules of topological conjugacy of Ω-stable flow surfaces"; scientific supervisor: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Olga Vitalievna Pochinka

HSE University Comes First in HeadHunter Ranking of Top Russian Universities

HSE University Comes First in HeadHunter Ranking of Top Russian Universities
HSE University took first place in the 2022 ranking of the top universities in Russia according to HeadHunter, the biggest online recruitment company in Russia. Its rankings are based on employer demand for graduates of Russian universities whose CVs are available on the hh.ru website.

HSE University’s Joint Master’s Programme with Skoltech Named Best Educational Initiative at Data Fusion Awards 2023

HSE University’s Joint Master’s Programme with Skoltech Named Best Educational Initiative at Data Fusion Awards 2023
VTB, CNews, and Skolkovo have announced the winners of the Data Fusion Awards 2023, a nationwide cross-industry award in the sphere of big data technology. The awards recognise the top projects in the public sector, business, and education. The English-taught Master’s programme Math of Machine Learning, implemented jointly by HSE University’s Faculty of Computer Science and the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, was named the educational initiative of the year. Second place in this category was awarded to the Graduate School of Business’s Master’s programme Business Analytics and Big Data Systems.

Congratulations to Francesca Chiarvesio on the brilliant defense of his PhD thesis!

Congratulations to Francesca Chiarvesio on the brilliant defense of his PhD thesis!
Francesca Chiarvesio successfully defended her dissertation on the topic: "Anti-corruption in the discourses of civil society actors in Russia". 

CSCR employees received commendations from the Rector of the National Research University Higher School of Economics

HSE cHARISMa Supercomputer Completes One Million Tasks

HSE cHARISMa Supercomputer Completes One Million Tasks
Since 2019, the cHARISMa supercomputer has been helping staff, teachers and students of HSE university to solve research tasks. In February 2023, it completed its millionth task—a computational experiment dedicated to studying the phenomenon of multiparticle localisation in quasi-one-dimensional quantum systems.

Lab staff publication included in authoritative IEDB Validated Epitope Database

SCILA Intern Becomes a Participant of the HSE Academic Personnel Reserve Program

SCILA Intern Becomes a Participant of the HSE Academic Personnel Reserve Program
On February 10-12, a seminar “Effective Strategies for Professional Development in the Academic World” was held, in which Elina Tsigeman, SCILA research intern, took part.