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Tag "discussions"

Research seminar on June, 4: Clemens Puppe (KIT)

Topic: Resource Allocation by Frugal Majority Rule
Date & Time: June, 4 at 16.50
Place: 3A Kantemirovskaya st., room 339

Research seminar on June, 6: Dmitry Ivanov (GT Lab)

Topic: Identifying Bid Leakage In Procurement Auctions: Machine Learning Approach
Date & Time: June 6, 2019 at 16.50
Place: 3A Kantemirovskaya st., room 339

The Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience Of HSE Took Part In The Discussion Of The Program Of Science Support With The President Of The Russian Federation

Vladimir Putin met with recipients of “megagrants” and grants of the Presidential Program

IOE Welcomes World-distinguished Academics to Exchange Perspectives on Global Education Policy

IOE Welcomes World-distinguished Academics to Exchange Perspectives on Global Education Policy
On May 20, Days of the International Academy of Education kicked off at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow. Experts from all over the world who focus on global education policy trends will meet up across a number of HSE venues to engage in vibrant, multi-format networking, including lectures, workshops, Q&A sessions, etc. They will share their experience with Russian researchers, instructors and policymakers over the course of three days.

The Moscow Innovation Cluster is Shaping its Future Image

The Moscow Innovation Cluster Fund, in effect the cluster’s organisational core, will be established in a matter of weeks. This was reported by Kristina Volkonitskaya, Deputy Director of the Moscow City Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Development, at the expert panel 'Moscow Innovation Cluster: Prospective S&T Development Areas' which took place on 24 April at the Higher School of Economics. The participants discussed the support the Fund should be providing, and joint pilot projects in areas such as ICT, medicine, biotechnology, advanced production technologies, and new materials.

Seminar "Health inequalities in Europe: why so persistent?"

The 15th scientific seminar “Modern Demography” was held on 24 April 2019. The speaker was Johan Mackenbach, MD, PhD, Professor of Public Health, Chair of the Department of Public Health at Erasmus MC, University Medical Center Rotterdam. His report was devoted to health inequalities in Europe, their scope, trends, spatial features and factors determining them. A separate question of the seminar - why the Western European welfare state could not eradicate differences in mortality depending on the socio-economic status of a person?

Kemal Kıvanç Aköz: "Preemptive versus Counter Offers"

The 7th session of the research seminaron Diversity and Development - 2019 was held in the HSE campus at Shabolovka on April 23.

A Common Strategic Approach to the EAEU S&T Development is in Order

On 12 April, 2019, in the scope of the 'Foresight and STI Policy' symposium (part of the HSE XX April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development) a series of events were held to discuss STI cooperation in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).

EACES workshop “The Rise of State Capitalism: consequences for economic and political development”

EACES workshop “The Rise of State Capitalism: consequences for economic and political development”
A workshop: “The Rise of State Capitalism: consequences for economic and political development” organized by ICSID and  the European Association for Comparative Economic Studies (EACES) was held at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow on April 10-11, 2019.

International Laboratory for Population and Health at the XX April International Academic Conference On Economic and Social Development

 International Laboratory for Population and Health researchers presented their work at the XX April International Academic Conference On Economic and Social Development, which takes place in HSE (Moscow), from April 9-12, 2019.