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Tag "ideas & experience"

The 2nd International Conference on Social Neuroscience in Ecologically Valid Conditions was held

The 2nd International Conference on Social Neuroscience in Ecologically Valid Conditions was held
The online conference was devoted to the latest global advances in social neuroscience using naturalistic stimuli. Leading Russian and foreign scientists participated in the online conference.

The Second Pacific School Conference on Experimental Economics has ended. How was it?

The Second Pacific School Conference on Experimental Economics has ended. How was it?
A few days ago, the Second Pacific School Conference on Experimental Economics ended. We talk about how it was.

‘A Melting Pot of Students with Different Educational Backgrounds from Different Countries’

‘A Melting Pot of Students with Different Educational Backgrounds from Different Countries’
The HSE ISSEK English-language Master’s programme in Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation is accepting applications. Studies in English, practical skills, extensive networking—former and current students shared their impressions with the HSE News Service, while Academic Supervisor Dirk Meissner talked about what to expect in the new academic year.

‘Master’s in Comparative Social Research Is a Perfect Fit for My Academic Needs’

Aleena Khan
Aleena Khan, from Pakistan, is currently pursuing a master's in Comparative Social Research at HSE University, Moscow. Despite studying online in the first semester, she already feels part of the HSE student community. In her interview, Aleena talks about the admissions process, her favourite courses, and her general impressions.

Linguistic Convergence Laboratory invites applications for postdoctoral research positions

Linguistic Convergence Laboratory invites applications for postdoctoral research positions in the field of language contact; language corpora; linguistic typology; sociolinguistics; languages of the Caucasus; languages of Russia.

In 2021, members of the Linguistic Convergence Laboratory published three articles on the Russian language in Dagestan

In 2021, members of the Linguistic Convergence Laboratory published three articles on the Russian language in Dagestan
Dagestan is a relatively new territory for the spread of the Russian language. At the end of the 19th century, very few people spoke Russian here. In addition to indigenous languages, which Dagestan is very rich in (linguists count more than forty languages ​​in this small territory), local people spoke Azerbaijani, Georgian, Chechen and Arabic. But there has never been a language common for all residents of Dagestan (the language of interethnic communication or lingua franca). Russian became the first such language for Dagestan.

Members of the Linguistic Convergence Laboratory Michael Daniel and Nina Dobrushina gave two lectures each at the University of Pavia

Members of the Linguistic Convergence Laboratory Michael Daniel and Nina Dobrushina gave two lectures each at the University of Pavia
On November 3-5, the members of the Linguistic Convergence Laboratory Michael Daniel and Nina Dobrushina gave two lectures each at the University of Pavia.

Lectures by professor Pardalos

Chat with John W. Berry about his lengthy and distinguished research

Radio Queen's University chatted with Professor John W. Berry about his lengthy and distinguished research and his election to the Royal Society as a Fellow.

The International Linguistic Convergence Laboratory has launched a new website with resources

The International Linguistic Convergence Laboratory has launched a new website with resources
One of the tasks of the International Linguistic Convergence Laboratory is the creation of new open electronic resources dedicated to the minor languages ​​of Russia, Russian dialects and contact varieties of Russian speech. For more than four years, these resources have become so abundant that the laboratory had to acquire its own server and create a special website where all the resources are conveniently located.