The 15th annual conference Science of Aphasia 2015 was held in Aveiro, Portugal, September 17-22.
Tag "ideas & experience"
25th annual conference of the European Second Language Association was devoted to the problem of language acquisition "Second Language Acquisition : Implications for language sciences"
The Higher School of Economics International Laboratory of Socio-Cultural Research announces a call for participation in the 4th Summer School “Designing a mixed-method research in cross-cultural psychology”.
Participants of Summer School were students, graduate students, researchers and teachers of Higher School of Economics. All participants had to have results of conducted study that could be presented for forthcoming publication. Therefore, each participant had an opportunity to work on improving his/her own materials with the help of teachers of the School – well-known foreign specialists Shalom Schwartz, Ronald Fischer and Peter Schmidt, as well as invited expert on academic writing Rachel Schwartz.