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Tag "ideas & experience"

Elizaveta Zyryanova and Elena Iarskaia-Smirnova took part in a conference at the European Humanities University in Vilnius

Elizaveta Zyryanova and Elena Iarskaia-Smirnova took part in a conference at the European Humanities University in Vilnius
On May 24, 2024 the conference «Studying Gender, Family and Love During the Crises» was held at the European Humanities University in Vilnius.

Arsenii Buchatskii took part in the first HSE Predoc PhD Preparation Program school

Arsenii Buchatskii took part in the first HSE Predoc PhD Preparation Program school
On 13-14 May, the first in-person intensive of the HSE Predoc Programme for Preparation for PhD in Social Sciences and Humanities was held at the HSE St. Petersburg campus. Arsenii Buchatskii, a research assistant of our Laboratory and a student of the Joint «‎Master's-PhD» Study Track, was one of the 21 participants of the intensive, selected among 36 candidates, and shared his impressions of the school.

The fifth episode of the podcast "There Will Be Talking"

The fifth episode of the podcast "There Will Be Talking"
Today we released the fifth episode of the podcast "Will Talk" about education, technology and the future, the episode is dedicated to artificial intelligence. The guest is Alexey Belyanin, Head of the International Laboratory of Experimental and Behavioral Economics at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. The podcast hosts are Andrei Vorchik, research intern at the laboratory, and Alina Myalo, lecturer at the ICEF at the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

How Important are Values for Well-Being? A Multi-Level Meta-Analysis Across 111 Societies

How Important are Values for Well-Being? A Multi-Level Meta-Analysis Across 111 Societies
On Friday, April 26, the last day of the 13th LCSR International Workshop,  Ronald Fisher  (Instituto D'Or de Pesquisa e Ensino, Brazil) presented an honorary paper “How Important are Values for Well-Being? A Multi-Level Meta-Analysis Across 111 Societies”.

Demographic, Contextual, and Attitudinal Factors of Attrition in Online Panels

Demographic, Contextual, and Attitudinal Factors of Attrition in Online Panels
On April, 25th at the 13th LCSR International Workshop Boris Sokolov (LCSR, Russia) presented the study "Demographic, Contextual, and Attitudinal Factors of Attrition in Online Panels".

Elena Iarskaia-Smirnova took part in a discussion on the representation of disability in cinema

Elena Iarskaia-Smirnova took part in a discussion on the representation of disability in cinema
On April 27, 2024, a film discussion was held on the problems of representation of people with disabilities. The event was held within the framework of a two-day festival prepared by the team of the GES-2 House of Culture and representatives of the International Disability Film Festival "Breaking down barriers".

The Laboratory staff held a section within the framework of the Grushin Sociological Conference dedicated to the memory of Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Philosophy Valentina Iarskaia-Smirnova

The Laboratory staff held a section within the framework of the Grushin Sociological Conference dedicated to the memory of Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Philosophy Valentina Iarskaia-Smirnova
Last week the XIV Grushin Sociological Conference “Metamorphoses of Society and the Research Industry: New Challenges” took place, within the framework of which on April 12 our laboratory held the section “Space and Time of Social Change”.

Elena Iarskaia-Smirnova, Daria Prisyazhniuk and Danila Parshchikov took part in a project session on the implementation of the “Service-learning” mechanisms and the development of partnerships between universities and socially oriented non-profit organizations

Elena Iarskaia-Smirnova, Daria Prisyazhniuk and Danila Parshchikov took part in a project session on the implementation of the “Service-learning” mechanisms and the development of partnerships between universities and socially oriented non-profit organizations
The project session was held on April 17, 2024, at which employees of our Laboratory made a presentation and organized moderation of project work on the issues of inclusion and prevention of social orphanhood.

Nikita Bolshakov, Ekaterina Dolgova, and Maria Malofeeva made a presentation at a joint seminar of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the RAS and the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the RAS

Nikita Bolshakov, Ekaterina Dolgova, and Maria Malofeeva made a presentation at a joint seminar of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the RAS and the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the RAS
On April 13, 2024, a seminar was held by the group for the study of disability in the countries of the East of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the RAS and the group of the anthropology of disability of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the RAS, within the framework of which the staff of the IL SIR presented the preliminary results of a study under the grant of the RSF “Cultural citizenship and local solidarity: the experience of social inclusion audiences of Russian museums.»

Maxim Gurin and Danila Parshchikov took part in the conference “The Value of Everyone: Life Development of People with Mental Disabilities”

Maxim Gurin and Danila Parshchikov took part in the conference “The Value of Everyone: Life Development of People with Mental Disabilities”
The conference was held on March 21-22, 2024 in Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod, the participants of which were representatives of government and public organizations, charitable foundations, professional and parent communities.