Tag "leisure"

Anna Rezyapova on her visit to Svalbard

October 13-19, 2019 in Longyearbyen, Spitsbergen, the SVF-8063 School of Society and Advanced Technology in the Arctic, organized by the Arctic University of Norway (UiT), was held. Senior colleagues and research assistants of the DeCAn lab participated in it. Anna Rezyapova shared her impressions on her visit to Svalbard.

Sergey Demin on his visit to Svalbard

Sergey Demin on his visit to Svalbard
October 13-19, 2019 in Longyearbyen, Spitsbergen, the SVF-8063 School of Society and Advanced Technology in the Arctic, organized by the Arctic University of Norway (UiT), was held. Senior colleagues and research assistants of the DeCAn lab participated in it. Sergey Demin shared his impressions on his visit to Svalbard.

Dmitry Frolov on his visit to Metz

Dmitry Frolov on his visit to Metz
The 6th World Congress on Global Optimization (WCGO-2019) was held in the French city of Metz from July 8 to July 10, 2019. The event was held at the University of Lorraine (Université de Lorraine). Dmitry Frolov shared his impressions on his visit to Metz.

Dmitry Frolov on his visit to Zakopane

Dmitry Frolov on his visit to Zakopane
The 18th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICAISC) was held at the Mercury Hotel, located in the Polish city of Zakopane, from June 16 to June 20, 2019. Dmitry Frolov shared his impressions on his visit to Metz.

Yulia Veselova on her visit to the Maastricht University

Yulia Veselova shared her impressions on her external PhD program in the Netherlands.

Laboratory members took part in the HSE science festival "Lunokhod-1"

Laboratory members took part in the HSE science festival "Lunokhod-1"
On October 27, Higher School of Economics held the Lunokhod-1 science festival in the Digital October convention centre. Our laboratory presented an interactive supercomputer demonstration booth at the event. D.Sc. V.V.Stagailov delivered a popular science report “Why do we need supercomputers, how to design and use them?”.

Anna Rezyapova participated in international conferences on migration and demography

Anna Rezyapova, a research assistant of our laboratory, participated in two international events related to the problem of migration and demography which took place in Athens (June 18-21, 2018) and Lisbon (June 26-28, 2018). Anna shared her experience and impressions of the trip.

Let the fight begin: Tatiana Bolgina at the first round of Research Battles in HSE!

On March, 18 HSE launched a new project called Research Battles. Our lab member Tatiana Bolgina, a 4-th year student from Linguistics, took part in the first battle of the season.

Inglehart Celebrates His 82nd Birthday!

Laboratory staff congratulates Ronald Inglehart on his birthday.
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