Tag "monitoring studies"
The HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge conducted a survey of more than 2 thousand Russian doctorate holders, in order to assess the situation with foreign language skills among highly qualified scientific personnel.
Here are a few facts and figures about activities of the most important in the knowledge-based economy professionals.
The new issue of the HSE ISSEK newsletter 'Science, Technology and Innovation' presents statistics on the growth of the number of researchers in Russia, the share of graduates hired by R&D organisations, and the growth of R&D personnel’s average monthly salaries during the previous 15 years.
On 11–14 September 2018 the 34th CIRET (Centre for International Research on Economic Tendency Surveys) conference took place in Rio de Janeiro, where Tamara Lipkind, Leading Expert at the HSE ISSEK Centre for Business Tendencies Studies presented a report on business cycles in the Russian service sector.
The Organising Committee of the Enlightener 2018 Award has published a long list of 24 books, each of which has a chance to become the best popular science book of the new season. Among other titles, the long list includes 'Atlas of Future Technologies' which presents results of the Global Technology Trends Monitoring study. This ongoing project is being implemented by the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK) for more than five years. The award winners will be announced in the early October.
On the 14th of March, the world celebrates the 30th anniversary of Pi (π) Day. On this occasion, we examined how frequently this mathematical constant appeared in our publications. And there were a lot of such π-indicators.
The seventh scientific seminar ‘Modern demography’, of International laboratory for population and health NRU HSE, was held on 18th of October. Sebastian Klüsener, deputy head of the Laboratory for fertility and social well-being of Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock, Germany, presented a paper "Social and spatial connectivity and demographic change: Innovative analytical approach based on micro-level census data".
The sixth scientific seminar ‘Modern demography’ was held on the 20th of September. David Leon, professor of epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, associate professor at the University of Tromsø - Arctic University of Norway, presented his report on “Cardiovascular mortality in Russia: towards a 360 degree assessment".
Master’s Programme Students of HSE ISSEK “Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation” for 10 weeks from January to March were doing their internships at Moscow Agency of Innovations. During the internship four students found several best technological solutions for optimizing the city transport, power grids, healthcare and other systems.