The Genetics of Cardiovascular Diseases Consortium, the first of this kind in Russia, was unveiled at HSE University at Cardiogenetics and Bioinformatics: 2021 Realities, an interdisciplinary forum. The consortium aims to compile a centralized and complete catalogue of the Russian population’s genomic mutations.
Tag "partnerships"
HSE University has announced an open project competition to create experimental research laboratories in the natural sciences. The competition is open to research projects in the fields of biophotonics and ageing (biology, physiology, biomedicine, biostatistics, and bioinformatics.)
A staff fellow of IL DSA and Department of Fundamental Mathematics took part in 8th Europian Congress of Mathematics.
Olga Verbilovich and Elena Yarskaya-Smirnova presented on May 27, 2021 at the round table 'Media image of a person with a disability in modern Russian media,' organized by ANO "Center for Social Projects 'MIX.'
The sixth session of the webinar “Languages, Dialects and Isoglosses of Anatolia, the Caucasus and Iran” hosted a talk by Chiara Naccarato, Samira Verhees, Michael Daniel and Timofey Mukhin.
A panel session on “Modernizing Welfare in Russia and Other Post-Soviet States: Deinstitutionalization, Inclusion, and Agency” was successfully organized and held by the International Laboratory of Social Integration Studies (ILSIS) at the XXII April International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development to be held on 21 April, 2021 via Microsoft Team Platform in order to interact with presenters and participants from different parts of the world.
16 April 2021. The joint seminar of IL SIR and Hamilton Lugar School of International and Global Studies at the Indiana University at Bloomington took place in zoom.
In March 2021 the HSE University and Freie Universität Berlin (FUB) were awarded an institutional partnership grant from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation to foster cooperation between these two institutions and to involve in it a broader group of younger fellows and doctoral students. On May 27th this project will start with a digital workshop "Varieties of Populism in East and West" (deadline for submission is April 23rd; for more info about the workshop see the link at the end of the news). We interviewed Professor Dr. Katharina Bluhm, director of the Institute for East European Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin, about the goals of this project and prospects of cooperation between the HSE University and the FUB.
On the 1st of April at 12:00 is taking place a new seminar of the research group 'Inclusive society: a comparative analysis of the structural conditions and of the opinions of insiders in Russia and in the neighbouring countries.' During the seminar we are discussing the problems of inclusive education in Kazakhstan and we are presenting the first results of a survey conducted among parents and teachers.
From February 4 to March 20, the School of Linguistics hosted a series of lectures on the foundations of language evolution. The course was read by Damian Blasi, the member of Linguistic Convergence Laboratory, an author and co-author of works on fundamental problems in creole linguistics, linguistic symbolism and the history of linguistic diversity. In his lectures Damian Blasi considered both the main aspects of the theory of the language evolution, as well as more narrow topics, such as the structure of animal communication systems and their differences from human language, the time of the speech appearance in humans, biological and genetic foundations of language ability, multilingualism, and models of linguistic evolution.