Tag "professors"
A scientific seminar on the topic of stakeholder trust was held at Higher School of Economics on May 15, 2018.
Two post-doc fellows Amanda Zadorian and Fabian Burkhardt will join the ICSID team for one year in September 2018.
IDLab members participated in the XIX HSE April Conference on Economic and Social Development
On April, 13th, the last day of the XIXth April International Academic Conference on Social and Economic Development in HSE, Professor Eric M. Uslaner gave a key lecture on “National Identity and Political Polarization”. It was held within the framework of the 8th LSCR International Workshop “Quantitative Research of Social Changes across the World”.
The Contribution to Science and Education Award, established by the HSE, recognises outstanding contributions to academic development and international academic cooperation.
On April, 10th, the first day of the XIXth April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, Andrey Scherbak (HSE) and Alexey Bessudnov (University of Exeter) gave a special lecture called “Ethnic Hierarchy in the Russian Labour Market”. It was held within the framework of the 8th LCSR International workshop “Quantitative Research of Social Changes Across the World”.
On April 10th Christian Welzel gave a lecture on “Rethinking Measurement In-Equivalence: Or Why We Should Forget about MGCFA” at the 8th LCSR International Workshop. Read more about this in the publication.
LSCR Chief Research Fellow Hanspeter Kriesi will give a couple of introductory lectures at HSE on April, 16th and 18th.
On April 02 - 06 Lukasz Szpruch, assistant professor of School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh, The Alan Turing Institute (London) read the mini-course "McKean-Vlasov SDEs, Particle Systems and Calculus on Wasserstein Space"
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