Malyshev Dmitriy Sergeevich gave the talk "Critical hereditary classes of graphs" at the Colloquium of HSE's Faculty of Computer Science
Tag "professors"
On June 9-13 Computer Science Symposium in Russia (CSR) 2016 was held in St. Petersburg.
Dates: 6-11 June 2016
Speakers: Professor Harrie de Swart (Erasmus University Rotterdam) and Professor Hannu Nurmi (University of Turku).
Speakers: Professor Harrie de Swart (Erasmus University Rotterdam) and Professor Hannu Nurmi (University of Turku).
Lectures by Professor Theodor Trafalis (university of Oklahoma, USA) were held on "Kernel Methods with Imbalanced Data and Applications to Weather Prediction" (May 23, 2016) and "Bayesian Kernel Methods for Classification and Online Learning Problems" (May 24, 2016)
The Head of the International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy, Elena Shakina has defended her PhD thesis
Mariia Molodchik has successfully finished her internship at the University of Vigo under the supervision of Professor Carlos M. Fernandez-Jardon Fernandez.
The team of the International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development congratulates Andrei Yakovlev on receiving the status of Tenured Professor.
Congratulations Savchenko Andrey on successful defense of the doctoral thesis "Methods of classification of audiovisual information based on segment by segment analysis of homogeneity"
Speaker: Anna Khmelnitskaya (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
Title: Generalization of binomial coefficients to numbers on the nodes of graphs
Title: Generalization of binomial coefficients to numbers on the nodes of graphs
On February 26, the Director of the HSE International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development, Andrei Yakovlev, celebrated his 50th birthday.
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