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Tag "research projects"

The preliminary defense of Svetlana Mareeva’s doctoral dissertation took place

The preliminary defense of Svetlana Mareeva’s doctoral dissertation took place
On March 29, 2024, at a joint meeting of the Institute for Social Policy and the International Laboratory for Social Integration Research of the HSE, the pre-defense of Svetlana Vladimirovna Mareeva’s doctoral dissertation took place.

Meeting of the working group of the BRICS Civil Society Forum "Sovereign Economic and Financial Development"

Meeting of the working group of the BRICS Civil Society Forum "Sovereign Economic and Financial Development"
The HSE University held a meeting of the working group of the BRICS Civil Forum in the format of a round table «Sovereign Economic and Financial Development» to prepare proposals for the BRICS Civil Forum, which will be held in Moscow on July 3-4, 2024. The meeting was attended by the Research Fellow of the International Laboratory of Digital Transformation in Public Administration of the HSE University Evgenii Diskin.

«Researching the Deaf Community» visiting HSE

«Researching the Deaf Community» visiting HSE
Throughout March, classes of the «Researching the Deaf Community» club at the «GES-2» House of Culture were held at HSE on the basis of the International Laboratory for Social Integration Research.

The conference "Flexible Public Administration – Iterativity in Achieving the Goals of State-Owned Companies, Entities and the State"

The conference "Flexible Public Administration – Iterativity in Achieving the Goals of State-Owned Companies, Entities and the State"
Evgeny Styrin, Head of the International Laboratory for Digital Transformation in Public Administration at the Higher School of Economics, made a presentation at the conference "Flexible Public Administration – Iterativity in achieving the goals of state-owned companies, entities and the state." Within the framework of the report, the phenomenon of digital trust of citizens in the state when using and interacting with digital solutions had special attention.

Grant Application by Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology Supported by the Russian Science Foundation

The project to develop a microfluidic placenta-on-a-chip model for studying various aspects of normal and pathological placental physiology, including one of the severe pregnancy complications—preeclampsia—has won in the competition "Conducting Fundamental and Exploratory Scientific Research by Individual Scientific Groups"

Dr. Pavel Marychev, the Researcher of the Centre for Quantum Metamaterials has presented the poster presentation at the International Symposium "Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics"

The impressive results of the Centre's Researchers' work were presented at the XXVIII International Symposium "Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics" in a poster presentation "Transition from type II to Type I superconductivity in dirty ferromagnetic superconductors". The symposium was held in Nizhny Novgorod on March 11 - 15, 2024 and brought together more than six hundred scientists from all over Russia, as well as from other countries. This is the largest conference on condensed matter physics in Russia, covering a wide range of issues from the physics of superconducting, magnetic and semiconductor systems, multilayer X-ray optics and quantum technologies.

Scientists Model Turbulence at Atomic Level

Scientists Model Turbulence at Atomic Level
Scientists at HSE University and MIPT have developed a supercomputer-based method to model fluid flows at atomistic scales making it possible to describe the emergence of turbulence. The researchers used the supercomputers cHARISMa and Desmos to compute the flow of a fluid consisting of several hundred million atoms. This method is already being used to simulate the flow of liquid-metal lead coolant in a nuclear reactor. The paper has been published in The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications.

Think20 suggestion on topic "AI for Inclusion: A Public G20 AI Platform"

Think20 (T20) is an official Engagement Group of the G20. It serves as an "idea bank" for the G20 by bringing together think tanks and high-level experts to discuss policy issues relevant to the G20. T20 recommendations are synthesized into policy briefs and presented to G20 working groups, ministerial meetings, and leaders’ summit to help the G20 deliver concrete policy measures. Every year scientists all over the world suggest their ideas for the  "idea bank" . In 2024 the  "AI for Inclusion: A Public G20 AI Platform"  was suggested. 

Applications for participation in the Interdisciplinary Conference "Researching the Deaf community" are accepted until March 24!

Applications for participation in the Interdisciplinary Conference "Researching the Deaf community" are accepted until March 24!

The Sixth International Conference on Development and Governance in the BRICS

The Sixth International Conference on Development and Governance in the BRICS
On March 6-8, 2024, The Sixth International Conference on Development and Governance in the BRICS was held in Raipur, India. Ivan Makarov, a Research Assistant at HSE’s International Laboratory of Digital Transformation in Public Administration, remotely participated in it.