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Tag "research projects"

Congratulations to our colleagues on winning the Russian Science Foundation competition!

Congratulations to our colleagues on winning the Russian Science Foundation competition!
The staff of our Laboratory and the Pinsky Centre of General and Extracurricular Education of the HSE University won the competition of the Russian Science Foundation "Conducting fundamental scientific research and exploratory scientific research by small individual scientific groups" (regional competition). 

We invite you to participate in the Interdisciplinary Conference "Researching the Deaf community"

We invite you to participate in the Interdisciplinary Conference "Researching the Deaf community"

The Winter Psychological School took place at SPbSU

The Winter Psychological School took place at SPbSU
On 1st and 2nd February 2024 the team from the "Mirror Labs" project of the Laboratory of Social and Cognitive Informatics at HSE presented their project at the Winter Psychological School of SPbSU.

Elena Iarskaia-Smirnova and Daria Prisyazhniuk acted as experts in the applied course “The Third Mission” of the university

Elena Iarskaia-Smirnova and Daria Prisyazhniuk acted as experts in the applied course “The Third Mission” of the university
The “Third Mission” of the University is a course for a wide audience, created by the Institute of Socio-Economic Planning of the NRU HSE within the framework of the “Vladimir Potanin Scholarship Program” of the Vladimir Potanin Charitable Foundation.

Round table «Media law: tendencies and problems»

On February 5, 2024, law faculty of Moscow State University held a round table « Media law: tendencies and problems », which was attended by a Research Fellow of the International Laboratory of Digital Transformation in Public Administration of the HSE University, Dr. Diskin. 

A Map of Moscow's Pedestrian Accessibility Has Been Created

A map of Moscow's pedestrian accessibility
Experts from the Higher School of Economics and Lomonosov Moscow State University studied data on the pedestrian accessibility of Moscow

Congratulations to Maria Malofeeva on winning the Student Research Paper Competition held by HSE University!

Congratulations to Maria Malofeeva on winning the Student Research Paper Competition held by HSE University!
Maria Malofeeva's research has received a high expert assessment!

SCILA held a seminar dedicated to diary studies with multiple measurements in psychology

SCILA held a seminar dedicated to diary studies with multiple measurements in psychology
On December 18, 2023, at the Laboratory of Social and Cognitive Informatics within the framework of the "Mirror Laboratory," a discussion on the methodology of diary studies "Experience Sampling Method (ESM)" took place.

The study by researchers from IDLab and the Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience at HSE - Perm has made it to the top 30 world's best in the field of neuromarketing!

The study by researchers from IDLab and the Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience at HSE - Perm has made it to the top 30 world's best in the field of neuromarketing!

Larisa Mararitsa presented the results of a study on the quality of communication during in-person meetings and video conferences

Larisa Mararitsa presented the results of a study on the quality of communication during in-person meetings and video conferences
The research conducted by the HSE University and the V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University was presented at the II All-Russian Scientific Conference 'Digitalization of Society: Transformation of Everyday Practices and Research Perspectives'.