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Tag "research projects"

"Scientific Wednesdays" in the Centre for Quantum Metamaterials

"Scientific Wednesdays" in the Centre for Quantum Metamaterials
The Center hosted the traditional meeting of the participants of all its research projects

ILSIR congratulates the participants of the Winter School of the Faculty of Social Sciences – 2023!

Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash
On February 12, 2023, the Winter School of the HSE Faculty of Social Sciences was completed, during which participants – potential applicants of a master’s programme in Sociology - presented the results of research projects on topics proposed by the programmes and affecting a variety of spheres of public life.

We invite everyone to join the ILSIR team!

Image from rawpixel.com on Freepik
The International Laboratory for Social Integration Research invites the most active, proactive and interested in the implementation of research projects of undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students of the HSE to become part of our team! We are pleased to announce the opening of a competition for the position of a Research Assistant!

Defense of the PhD thesis in Computer Science by Sergey Ketkov, Junior Research Fellow of the lab

Scientists of the Center have developed an algorithm for calculating the dynamics of dissipative quantum systems.

Researchers at the HSE MIEM Center for Quantum Metamaterials, together with colleagues from Germany and the UK, have proposed an algorithm for Automated Compression of Arbitrary environments (ACE).

Elizaveta Polukhina, Olga Savinskaya and Marina Alexandrova have published chapters in the book «Practices of Qualitative Data Analysis in Social Sciences»

Elizaveta Polukhina, Olga Savinskaya and Marina Alexandrova have published chapters in the book «Practices of Qualitative Data Analysis in Social Sciences»
Congratulations to our colleagues on the publication! 

Экокультурная психология

On January 31, as part of the scientific seminar “Culture Matters,” Dmitry Grigoriev (Ph.D., researcher at the Center for Sociocultural Research, Higher School of Economics) and Albina Gallyamova (intern-researcher at the Center for Sociocultural Research, Higher School of Economics) gave a presentation on the topic: "Ecocultural psychology".

The First Scientific Events of 2023 Were Held at the Centre of Quantum Metamaterials

The First Scientific Events of 2023 Were Held at the Centre of Quantum Metamaterials

Alcoholism of local residents in the perception of young people in the Pskov region: stigmatization, place identity and migration attitudes

On January 11 Julia Belova (PhD in Sociology, Leading Research Fellow, Institute of Applied Political Research, Laboratory for Political Research, National Research University Higher School of Economics) took part in the "Culture matters" research seminar with the report "Alcoholism of local residents in the perception of young people in the Pskov region: stigmatization, place identity and migration attitudes".

Congratulations to Maria Kurnikova on the successful defense of her doctoral dissertation!

Congratulations to Maria Kurnikova on the successful defense of her doctoral dissertation!
Senior Research Fellow of the International Laboratory for Social Integration Research Maria Kurnikova received the degree of Doctor of Sciences for the successful defense of her dissertation on the topic: "Social well-being of a family with a disabled child in the space of physical culture and sports".