Forecasting the economy’s demand for spatial data, remote sensing data, and geoinformation technologies is one of the key objectives of the study being conducted by HSE experts jointly with the Aerospace Research Institute, commissioned by Rosreestr. A public discussion of the interim results was held on 7 November at the conference ‘Spatial Data for the Digital Economy and Sustainable Development of the Russian Federation’.
Tag "research projects"
An international conference "Experimental Economics in Russia" (#RExCon) was held at the occasion of opening of the new Experimental Economics Laboratory at Pokrovsky boulevard campus of the HSE.
Language Science Press has published a book on the Mehweb language, edited by Michael Daniel and Nina Dobrushina of the Linguistic Convergence Laboratory and Dmitry Ganenkov of the Laboratory of Caucasian languages.
Experts at IOE and Yandex have reported findings from a one-of-a-kind massive joint study that they carried out in association with Stanford and the University of California to evaluate whether and how engaging in practices of e-learning contributes to academic performance in primary school. Completing more assignments online can be specifically of aid in catching up those early-graders who fall behind on math literacy, the study suggests.
At the end of the summer members of the Laboratory presented their researches at two large international conferences on linguistics — SLE and ALT.
The Theresa Research Foundation is led by Dr. Matthew Ellis and Dr. Danny Welch. The foundation established a breast cancer metastasis conference as an annual medical conference.
On Wednesday, September 18 the all-Russian seminar "Mathematical methods of decision analysis in economics, finance and politics" was held. N. Bazenkov gave a lecture on "Do models of limited rationality explain price variance in online trading?".