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Tag "research projects"

8th Annual Conference in Political Economy “The Political Economy of Inequalities and Instabilities in the 21st Century” (Berlin, September 13-15, 2017)

IIPPE, CPERN and IPE call for general submissions for the Conference but particularly welcome those on its core themes of inequalities and instabilities, which will be the focus for the plenary sessions. Proposals for presentations will, however, be considered on all aspects of political economy. New participants committed to political economy, interdisciplinarity, history of economic thought, critique of mainstream economics, and/or their application to policy analysis and activism are encouraged to submit an abstract. Deadline is April 1, 2017.

Andrei Yakovlev, Head of the Institute for Industrial and Market Studies, became a member of the Academic Advisory Board working on the Discuss Data project

The project is initiated as collaboration between the Research Centre for East European Studies of the University of Bremen (FSO), Göttingen State and University Library (SUB) and supported with the grant from the German Research Council (DFG).

Sophia Paklina has presented the results of the research on the IDLAB workshop

Sophia Paklina has presented the results of the joint research with Mariia Molodchik "Strategic behavior of Russian companies". Authors have constructed the index of human resources and made a clusterization of Russian companies for identifying intensification intellectual resources strategy.

Presentation of the paper "Institutional Quality and Social Policy Preferences"

HSE International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development (ICSID), NES Center for the Study of Diversity and Social Interactions in cooperation with the seminar “Political Economy” held their regular joint Research Seminar on Diversity and Development on December 13, 2016.

Angel Barajas has presented the research on the IDLAB workshop

Angel Barajas has presented the research on the IDLAB workshop
Angel Barajas, leading research fellow of IDLAB, has presented the research ''Non-usual football stadiums: only comfort level matters'' on the IDLAB workshop. It was stated that playing matches in non-usual stadium decreases the demand for tickets, however, good stadiums can moderate this negative effect.

Seminar "Correction for multiple comparisons at the level of clusters in fMRI: what's the problem?"

The seminar was held by Ekarterina Pachenkova, PhD in Psychological sciences

Introduction to Cross-Cultural Psychology

On December 6, Prof. Fons van de Vijver (Tilburg University, the Netherlands), took part in the "Culture Matters" research seminar with the report on "Introduction to Cross-Cultural Psychology".

New article

A new article written by the IIMS director Andrey Yakovlev and ICSID research fellow Anton Kazun was published in the Journal of Eurasian Studies.

The role of individual values and motivation in literary creativity of poets and prose writers

On November 17, Maria Bulceva (MSc in Psychology at HSE and TiU), took part in the "Culture Matters" research seminar with the report on "The role of individual values and motivation in literary creativity of poets and prose writers".

Research Seminar on Diversity and Development

On November 15, 2016 ICSID held another session of its regular research Seminar on Diversity and Development in cooperation with NES Center for the Study of Diversity and Social Interactions and the seminar “Political Economy”.