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Tag "research projects"

April, 20 professor Andy Green (University of London) talk about education, skills and ‘pre-distributive’ social policy

April, 20 professor Andy Green (University of London) talk about education, skills and ‘pre-distributive’ social policy
This paper will use the OECD PISA and Survey of Adult Skills data to examine the variation across countries in the distribution of the literacy and numeracy skills of young people and adults, how these change over the life course, and how the characteristics of education and training systems affect this.

Lecture by Roeland Hancock "Neurochemistry of speech oscillations"

Roeland Hancock is from the University of California, San Francisco, USA

April 21, professor Henry Levin (Columbia University) talk about why it is important to invest in the education of disadvantaged.

April 21, professor Henry Levin (Columbia University) talk about why it is important to invest in the education of disadvantaged.
Students from disadvantaged families face obstacles in reaching and completing higher education.

Board of directors networks in Russian companies

On March 30 Marina Zavertiaeva presented preliminary calculation on her joint paper with Felix Iturriaga.

Family support in Russia as a sociocultural phenomenon

On March 24 Anna A. Mironova (Junior researcher of the Center for Family Policy and Quality of life Studies) took part in the "Culture matters" research seminar with the report on "Family support in Russia as a sociocultural phenomenon"

Russian multiculturalism in the media: the technique of content analysis of the news

On March 15 Alena A. Khaptsova (Junior Research Fellow of International laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research, lecturer of School of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, HSE) took part in the «Culture matters» research seminar with the report on "Russian multiculturalism in the media: the technique of content analysis of the news".

Seminar "Effectiveness of therapy "Verb Network Strengthening Treatment " behavioral and neuroimaging data"

The study was supported by a grant RFBR №13-06-00651

John Berry and Peter Schmidt have won PROSE Awards

The publication "International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (Second Edition)" won the main prize of the 40th annual PROSE Awards in the category "Excellence in Reference Works". Two of the Area Editors have affiliation with National Research University Higher School of Economics — John Berry (co-head of International Scientific-Educational Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research), and Peter Schmidt (former co-head of International Scientific-Educational Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research).

Hierarchy and identities’ compatibility of different ethnic groups of the North Caucasus

On February 1 Olga S. Pavlova (Cand. Ped. Sciences, associate Professor, chair of ethnic psychology and psychological problems of multicultural education in Moscow State University of Psychology and Education" (MSUPE); expert of the Department of science, education and culture of Muslim Spiritual Board in Russian Federation; member of ed. board of the journal "Islam in the modern world") took part in the «Culture matters» research seminar with the report on "Hierarchy and identities’ compatibility of different ethnic groups of the North Caucasus".


of junior undergraduate students applied for admission to more than one programme or to more than one university.