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Tag "conferences & seminars"

Lecture by A. Podchufarov on "Theory and Practice of Сompetitiveness Management based on 3-circuit MCC model"

Lecture by A. Podchufarov on "Theory and Practice of Сompetitiveness Management based on 3-circuit MCC model"
On Wednesday, January 16 the all-Russian seminar "Mathematical methods of decision analysis in economics, finance and politics" was held. A. Podchufarov gave a lecture on "Theory and Practice of Сompetitiveness Management based on 3-circuit MCC model".

World Logic Day on January 14

World Logic Day on January 14
On January 14 International Laboratory for Logic, Linguistics and Formal Philosophy (HSE), Department of Logic of Faculty of Philosophy (MSU), Department of Logic of Institute of Philosophy Russian Academy of Sciences held the 50th meeting of Theoretical Seminar "Formal Philosophy": the round table“Formal Philosophy: Foundations and Prospects”, devoted to the application of formal methods in philosophy.

Research Seminar on January 21: Mikhail Panov (New York University, USA)

Topic: Costly Public Transfers in Repeated Cooperation under Imperfect Monitoring
Date & Time: January 21, 2019 at 16.50
Place: 3A Kantemirovskaya st., room 346

The second Ghent Russia colloquium

The second Ghent Russia colloquium
Some of the ICSID researchers took part in The second Ghent Russia colloquium "Russia's political economy since 1992: Back to the future?" that was held at Ghent University (Belgium) on December 11-12, 2018. The  topics discussed focused primarily on Russian studies.

Applicants Invited For The 7th Science Factory: TMS–EEG Summer School And Workshop In Aalto Univesrity

The Department of Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering at Aalto University School of Science will organize the 7th Science Factory: TMS–EEG Summer School and Workshop, on May 17–22, 2019.

Lecture by C. Sorokin on "Optimal information disclosure in auctions"

On Wednesday, December 19 the all-Russian seminar "Mathematical methods of decision analysis in economics, finance and politics" was held. C. Sorokin gave a lecture on "Optimal information disclosure in auctions".

Second School-seminar "Supercomputers in scientific research: the horizons of multiscale modeling and effective supercomputer co-design"

Second School-seminar "Supercomputers in scientific research: the horizons of multiscale modeling and effective supercomputer co-design"
As part of the promotion of modern supercomputer technologies for the needs of scientific research, SAMMA laboratory organized the second school-seminar "Supercomputers in scientific research: the horizons of multi-scale modeling and effective supercomputer co-design". This event brings together developers of advanced supercomputer technologies and scientists who use high-performance computing in their research. The first day was devoted to the analysis of new technical solutions for high-performance computing, and the second to applications of supercomputer modeling, molecular dynamics simulations in the real problems of materials science and molecular biology.

Congratulations to Sarah Sokhey, a winner of the Ed A Hewett Book Prize

Sarah Wilson Sokhey, ICSID Associate Fellow and Assistant Professor at the University of Colorado Boulder, received the Ed A Hewett Book Prize for her book "The Political Economy of Pension Policy Reversal in Post-Communist Countries" that was published by Cambridge University Press in 2017.

Seminar "What is unusual about the Russian mortality? Population-level evidence"

The 12th scientific seminar "Modern demography" was held on the 11th of December. Vladimir M. Shkolnikov, PhD, academic supervisor of the International laboratory for population and health of NRU HSE, research scientist at Laboratory of demographic data at Max Planck Institute for demographic research presented a paper "What is unusual about the Russian mortality? Population-level evidence".

50th Annual ASEEES Convention

ICSID team members took part in the 50th Annual Convention of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies. The Convention was held in Boston on December 6-9, 2018.


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