Tag "short-term programmes"
The dates of the Fifth annual school for young specialists "Active and passive methods of brain-mapping" have been announced.
Lecture on Atomistic Mechanism of the Constitutive Activation of PDGFRA Via Its Transmembrane Domain
On Tuesday, May 15, seminar "Supercomputer and Multiscale Modelling of Condensed Phase and Biological Systems" was held. A. Polyansky from IBCh RAS gave a talk "Atomistic mechanism of the constitutive activation of PDGFRA via its transmembrane domain". The result of this study was the molecular model of PDGFRa receptor activation, and the role of its oncogenic mutant form have been revealed. On the second part of the seminar students of SAMMA Laboratory reported on their projects.
Winter school on Quantum Condensed-matter Physics, December 13-17
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Svetla Boytcheva, Linguistic Modeling and Knowledge Processing Department, Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
Professor Peter Horvath gave a mini course «Microscopy image analysis» for students of computer .In his course he made stress on high-content screening (HCS), which includes cell biology, automated high resolution microscopy, informatics and robotics
The last day of the summer school was devoted to multivariate latent curve models.
On Thursday, Prof. Kenneth Bollen addressed more complicated latent curve models. The lecturer talked about the between-group comparison of trajectories.
On Wednesday, the participants learned how to estimate nonlinear latent curve models and found out more about conditional latent curve models.