Tag "students"

Futures Literacy of Students

HSE ISSEK joined the ‘FORESIGHT — Future Oriented Education for Students Incorporating GSC in High-paced Times’ project launched by five European universities. The three-year project funded by European Union started with the kickoff meeting held on November, 29–30 in Tilburg (the Netherlands). HSE ISSEK was represented by a post-doctoral research fellow Dr. Oguz Demir, who will be the overall coordinator of the project.

7 Facts about Foreign Students

The Higher School of Economics has entered the top 5 of Russian universities most popular with foreigners, according to Rossotrudnichestvo (in terms of the number of applications for quotas submitted in the 2018/19 academic year). Gathered facts about international student mobility in the world, the country, HSE and the ISSEK 'Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation' Master’s programme.

The 2018 Field Course Was Hosted By The UiT – The Arctic University of Norway

The 2018 Field Course Was Hosted By The UiT – The Arctic University of Norway
A group of laboratory staff headed by Professor Fuad Aleskerov returned from the Arctic University of Norway (UiT). The HSE scholars and students participated in the first field course which was held from September 24 to September 28, 2018 as part of a three-year project on international cooperation between NRU HSE and the Arctic University of Norway (UiT).

HSE Student Research Paper Competition (NIRS) has started

High school of Economocs starts to submit applications for annual Open HSE Student Research Paper Competition. Application can be submitted till October 15.

Traditional summer math-school in Yaroslavl

Traditional summer math-school in Yaroslavl
Eighth summer school "Algebra and Geometry" has finished

Anna Rezyapova participated in international conferences on migration and demography

Anna Rezyapova, a research assistant of our laboratory, participated in two international events related to the problem of migration and demography which took place in Athens (June 18-21, 2018) and Lisbon (June 26-28, 2018). Anna shared her experience and impressions of the trip.

Cross-regional studies: call for participation in the project

The International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy (HSE) under supervision of prof. Dennis Coates and in collaboration with the Center for Institutional Studies (HSE) under supervision by Elena Podkolzina, researcher Irina Mirkina, and Olga Demidova (HSE-Moscow), is announcing the launch of the new project devoted to Cross-regional studies. The project is aimed at expanding research based on Russian data.

Lecture on Atomistic Mechanism of the Constitutive Activation of PDGFRA Via Its Transmembrane Domain

Lecture of Anton Polyansky on 15 May 2018.
On Tuesday, May 15, seminar "Supercomputer and Multiscale Modelling of Condensed Phase and Biological Systems" was held. A. Polyansky from IBCh RAS gave a talk "Atomistic mechanism of the constitutive activation of PDGFRA via its transmembrane domain". The result of this study was the molecular model of PDGFRa receptor activation, and the role of its oncogenic mutant form have been revealed. On the second part of the seminar students of SAMMA Laboratory reported on their projects.

Get Ready to Innovate

English language Master’s Programme 'Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation' of the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge opens new 5th enrolment. 18 April there was the first meeting with the interested candidates. Future innovators, high-tech startup creators and policy makers in S&T took part in the interactive foresight session — in a very uncommon format for the Open Doors Day. Such communication was of great value for all the participants, and made some of them come again — with the applications for admission.

Hanspeter Kriesi will give two lectures at HSE

Hanspeter Kriesi
LSCR Chief Research Fellow Hanspeter Kriesi will give a couple of introductory lectures at HSE on April, 16th and 18th.