On Wednesday, the participants learned how to estimate nonlinear latent curve models and found out more about conditional latent curve models.
Tag "students"
You are welcome to get acquainted with HSE master’s programme 'Comparative Social Research', created on the basis of the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research.
From September 15 – 17, 2016, the World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR) Regional Conference ‘Survey Research and the Study of Social and Cultural Change’ will take place at HSE.
On Thursday, July 28, within the framework of the 6th International LCSR Summer School Professor Ronald Inglehart gave the lecture “Modernization and Inequality: Trump, Brexit and Populism.”
According to the results of the university-wide poll "Best Teachers of HSE" Eduard D. Ponarin became one of the best teachers of the Faculty of Social Sciences.
3rd year student Baydina Kseniya participated in the 20th conference on sports economics organized bythe University of Turbingen with support of the German Assisiation of Sport Economics and Sport Management
A career in science and technology might sound appealing to the average Russian, but a recent survey showed that most Russians believe men are better suited for this line of work than women. The young women interviewed for this story, a mathematician and a programmer, are of a different opinion.
On the 26th and 27th of November the professor Hannu Vartiainen (University of Helsinki) gave a lecture on "Covering in tournaments" to the students of Higher School of Economics. In his interview specially for International Laboratory of Decision Choice and Analysis the professor shared his secrets of success, formula of making the best decisions and expressed his thoughts about the most important things in our days.
On August 17-21 Tatyana Bolgina, Maria Grabovskaya, Grigory Ignatyev and Anastasia Kobzeva, Research Fellows of the Neurolinguistics Laboratory, took part in the Utrecht Summer School in the Netherlands attending the courses "Bilingualism" and "Introduction to L1 and L2 acquisition".