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Illustration for news: Tea Ceremonies, Rabbits, and Table Tennis: Chinese Studies at HSE University in Perm

Tea Ceremonies, Rabbits, and Table Tennis: Chinese Studies at HSE University in Perm

The ‘Foreign Languages ​​and Intercultural Communication in Business’ programme at HSE University in Perm places a special emphasis on learning a second foreign language, offering students a choice of German, French, or Chinese. The HSE News Service spoke to students who have been studying Chinese for a year about their experiences of passing an exam for an international certificate and gaining a better understanding of Chinese culture.

Illustration for news: HSE International Summer University to Offer Lectures in Partnership with Pompeu Fabra University

HSE International Summer University to Offer Lectures in Partnership with Pompeu Fabra University

As a part of long-standing cooperation between HSE University and the Pompeu Fabra University, this summer, International Summer University  in collaboration with Barcelona International Summer School (BISS) will organize a series of open lectures for participants of both summer programmes. Some of HSE Summer University courses are still open for registration.

Illustration for news: When the Borders Are Closed, Study ‘Abroad’ in a Double Degree Programme

When the Borders Are Closed, Study ‘Abroad’ in a Double Degree Programme

This year, alternatives to studying abroad are as relevant as never before. HSE University annually launches new joint programmes with world’s biggest universities. One of HSE’s oldest and most recognized double degree programmes is the ICEF bachelor’s programme, in which students can earn a degree not only from HSE University, but from the University of London as well. Below, we talk about the advantages of such a degree, career opportunities after graduation, and the programme prerequisites.