University of Central Asia and Higher School of Economics Sign Partnership Agreement in Moscow
The University of Central Asia (UCA) and the National Research University’s Higher School of Economics (HSE) signed an agreement on 14 February 2017 in Moscow, Russia. HSE will develop curriculum for UCA’s undergraduate programme in Economics and contribute towards faculty development. UCA has the field experience and data on economic challenges in Central Asia, and HSE will provide the analytical expertise, including exchange of faculty and students, and collaborate on joint research.
Visiting Professors Speak on Norwegian Traditions
On February 15, 2017, professors from Norway delivered a series of lectures on the social, economic, political and cultural characteristics and traditions of their country as part of an initiative supported by the Norwegian embassy in Moscow and the University of Oslo, the oldest and largest Norwegian state university. With a strong tradition in the social sciences, the university has become a natural partner of the Higher School of Economics. Leidulv Namtvedt, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Norway to Russia was present at the event.
A new double degree programme within ICEF MSc in Financial Economics
Double degree programme is launched on ICEF MSc ‘Financial Economics’. Starting from 2017/2018 intake, ICEF students can obtain a second Master’s Degree in Economics and Finance from LUISS University (Rome, Italy). Partner universities each award two individual qualifications upon completion of the collaborative programme requirements.
HSE Signs Cooperation Agreement with Université Grenoble Alpes
The Higher School of Economics and Université Grenoble Alpes (Grenoble Alpes University) have signed a cooperation agreement, initiated by HSE Faculty of Computer Science. Under the agreement the universities will organize academic exchange programmes, research and educational activities, and joint research projects.
Erasmus Mundus Action 2 project AURORA ended
Erasmus Mundus Action 2 project AURORA – Towards Modern and Innovative Higher Education has closed on 14.07.2016. Altogether 240 academic mobilities and visits were implemented throughout the project lifetime.
We are pleased to inform you that the new Erasmus+ Programme Guide (now also available in an online format) and Call have been published, with opportunities for funding in the areas of education, training, youth, and sport. For more information please follow this link, as well as visit the website of National Erasmus + program in Russia.
HSE Students in All Fields of Study Can Now Choose Exchange Programmes in China
HSE and East-China Normal University (ECNU) have signed a new student exchange agreement expanding the range of opportunities for student mobility in all areas of studies, including social studies, humanities, and philosophy, as well as computer science, mathematics, and physics. The agreement was signed as part of the ECNU delegation’s visit headed by Tong Shijun, chairman of the ECNU University Council, to HSE.
Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Sustainable Development at HSE
HSE’s Faculty of Law is a partner of the Fulbright Scholar Programme and each year has the opportunity to host a Distinguished Chair in Sustainable Development. David Wirth, a Professor who teaches and supervises research at Boston College Law School, arrived at HSE in this capacity in September 2016. He has shared his research, teaching and collaboration plans for the upcoming academic year at HSE with The HSE Look bulletin.
Chandigarh University representatives at HSE
On 16 September 2016 representatives from Chandigarh University, Gharuan, Mohali (India) visited National Research University Higher School of Economics in Moscow. The delegation was represented by Prof.(Dr.) R.S. Bawa, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor and Prof. Rajan Sharma, Deputy Director (International Relations). Boris Zhelezov, Deputy First Vice Rector, who chaired the meeting, outlined a big interest in HSE Coursera online courses among the Indian students and briefly introduced HSE achievements within the past years.
Visit by Delegation from the Mexican Ministry of Economics and Labour (Nuevo León State) to HSE, Moscow
On 16 September 2016 the delegation from the Mexican Ministry of Economics and Labour of the Government of Nuevo León State together with the representatives from the Embassy of Mexico to the Russian Federation came to Higher School of Economics, Moscow in the framework of their yearly working trip abroad.