HSE University Promo Materials
Amharic - አማርኛ | Arabic - اللُّغَةُ العَرَبِيَّة | Chinese (simplified) - 汉语 |
English | French - français | Hindi - हिन्दी |
Indonesian - Bahasa Indonesia | Japanese - 日本語 | Korean - 한국어 | Persian/Farsi - زبان فارسی |
Portuguese - português | Spanish - español | Vietnamese - Tiếng Việt
HSE University Presentation 2025 (pdf)
Bachelor's Programmes booklet (pdf)
Master's Programmes booklet (pdf)
Please find the HSE Exchange Factsheet on the Department of Internationalisation's page
For international students:
- Exchange Programmes
- International Admissions
- International Prep Year
- International Student Support
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