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Рекомендованные онлайн курсы

Уважаемые студенты!
В открытом доступе на международной платформе Coursera и российской Национальной платформе открытого образования (НПОО) вы можете бесплатно изучать курсы лучших преподавателей Высшей школы экономики.
С 2016 года большинство курсов НИУ ВШЭ на платформе Coursera переводятся в формат «по требованию» (on-demand), предполагающий, что слушатели могут присоединиться к изучению курса в любое удобное для них время — большинство курсов в формате «по требованию» стартуют каждые 2 недели.
По всем курсам слушатели могут записаться на платный трек, который обеспечивает доступ ко всем заданиям и тестам, успешное выполнение которых позволяет получить сертификат.
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Рекомендованные онлайн курсы в рамках программы

В рамках дисциплины "Теория и история культуры" студенты изучают онлайн-курс в формате blended.
Название: «Philosophy and Critical Thinking»
Платформа: https://www.edx.org
About this course
What can we learn through philosophical inquiry that will help us to think with clarity, rigour and humour about things that matter?
This course introduces principles of philosophical inquiry and critical thinking that will help us answer this question. Learn how we can use philosophical ideas to think about ourselves and the world around us.
What you'll learnHow to think with clarity and rigourHow to identify, analyse and construct cogent argumentsHow to think of solutions to the central problems of philosophyHow to engage in philosophical conversations with others about topics that matter
второй курс
В рамках дисциплины "Выставочная деятельность" студенты изучают онлайн-курс в формате blended.
Название: «Arts and Heritage Management»
Платформа: https://www.coursera.org
About this course
Today cultural institutions are facing important dilemmas in many aspects of their management. Over the past decades, a new figure has emerged that of the art manager. Imagine you went to work every day to connect artists with audiences, vision with reality, and money with a mission. That is what managers in the arts do, they play an essential role in transforming the minds, lives, and communities through creative expression.
Другие курсы
1. Название: «Seeing Through Photographs»
Платформа: https://www.coursera.org
About this course
Although taking, sharing, and viewing photographs has become second nature for many of us, our regular engagement with images does not necessarily make us visually literate. This course aims to address the gap between seeing and truly understanding photographs by introducing a diversity of ideas, approaches, and technologies that inform their making. In this course you will look closely at photographs from the collection of The Museum of Modern Art and hear a variety of perspectives on what a photograph is and the ways that photography has been used throughout its nearly 180 year history: as a means of artistic expression, as a tool for science and exploration; as an instrument of documentation; to tell stories and record histories; and as a mode of communication and critique in our ever increasingly visual culture.

Learning Objectives
• Develop skills to better examine and understand the differences between photographs and photographic images.• Discover how context influences the production, circulation, and reception of photographic images.• Learn about different modes of artistic and technological experimentation and innovation in photography.• Investigate photography’s role in our increasingly visual culture.

2. Название: «Искусство и деятельность: интерактивные стратегии для занятий искусством»
Платформа: https://www.coursera.org
About this course
Art can be a powerful catalyst for building skills and understanding a range of subjects. Intended for primary and secondary teachers of all disciplines, Art & Activity builds upon the inquiry-based approaches of Art and Inquiry: Museum Teaching Strategies for Your Classroom, while delving into activity-based strategies that will make your students empowered participants.

3. Название: «Art & Ideas: Teaching with Themes»
Платформа: https://www.coursera.org
About this course
This course is designed to help build critical skills that support theme-based teaching practices and build confidence in  incorporating modern and contemporary art into interdisciplinary lesson plans.  By addressing themes and questions that arise in relation to modern and contemporary art, the course will help you to think creatively about links to your curriculum and the ways that you can tap into students’ knowledge and life experience. 
In this course, you will explore four themes that educators at The Museum of Modern Art use frequently in their teaching: Places & Spaces, Art & Identity, Transforming Everyday Objects, and Art & Society. Through videos, slideshows, and a variety of resources, readings, and activities, you will explore the content and context of works of art in MoMA’s collection.
Learners will…- Explore works of modern and contemporary art through a variety of themes that relate to  classroom content and student experience.- Hear directly from artists about their ideas and processes.- Learn about the ways that a thematic approach supports interdisciplinary teaching and learning. - Gain exposure to a range of digital resources available for teaching with themes and incorporating content around works of art into your classroom.

4. Название: «Visualizing Japan (1850s-1930s): Westernization, Protest, Modernity»
Платформа: https://www.edx.org
About this course
This MITx course was developed in collaboration with HarvardX and is co-taught by MIT, Harvard, and Duke historians. You will examine Japanese history in a new way—through the images created by those who were there—and the skills and questions involved in reading history through images in the digital format. The introductory module considers methodologies historians use to “visualize” the past, followed by three modules that explore the themes of Westernization, in Commodore Perry’s 1853-54 expedition to Japan; social protest, in Tokyo’s 1905 Hibiya Riot; and modernity, as seen in the archives of the major Japanese cosmetics company, Shiseido.
VJx will cover the following topics in four modules:Module 0: Introduction: New Historical Sources for a Digital Age (Professors Dower, Gordon, Miyagawa). Digitization has dramatically altered historians' access to primary sources, making large databases of the visual record readily accessible. How is historical methodology changing in response to this seismic shift? How can scholars, students, and the general public make optimal use of these new digital resources?Module 1: Black Ships & Samurai (Professor Dower). Commodore Matthew Perry's 1853-54 expedition to force Japan to open its doors to the outside world is an extraordinary moment to look at by examining and comparing the visual representations left to us by both the American and Japanese sides of this encounter. This module also addresses the rapid Westernization undertaken by Japan in the half century following the Perry mission.Module 2: Social Protest in Imperial Japan: The Hibiya Riot of 1905 (Professor Gordon). The dramatic daily reports from participants in the massive "Hibiya Riot" in 1905, the first major social protest in the age of "imperial democracy" in Japan, offer a vivid and fresh perspective on the contentious domestic politics of an emerging imperial power.Module 3: Modernity in Interwar Japan: Shiseido & Consumer Culture (Professors Dower, Gordon, Weisenfeld). Exploring the vast archives of the Shiseido cosmetics company opens a fascinating window on the emergence of consumer culture, modern roles for women, and global cosmopolitanism from the 'teens through the 1920s and even into the era of Japanese militarism and aggression in the 1930s. This module will also tap other Visualizing Cultures units on modernization and modernity.

5. Название: «Teaching Critical Thinking through Art with the National Gallery of Art»
Платформа: https://www.edx.org
About this course
Based on the National Gallery of Art’s popular Art Around the Corner professional development program for teachers in Washington, D.C., this five-part online course provides everything you need to begin creating a culture of critical thinking and collaboration for any classroom, subject, or level. You do not need an art background or museum access to successfully integrate the “Artful Thinking” course materials into your teaching. Your focused attention, willingness to experiment, and commitment to trying new discussion practices with your students is all that is required. 

The strategies presented in this course are adapted from Artful Thinking pedagogy, developed by Project Zero at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. You will explore three thinking dispositions, using eight thinking routines that are easy to understand and implement. Starting with the disposition of observing and describing, you will learn how to guide your students in using their senses and communicating impressions of what they see in a work of art. The routines used in the second disposition, reasoning with evidence, ask students to make hypotheses about the art and support their arguments with observations. The questioning and investigating disposition challenges students to hone their natural curiosity by expressing their wonderings, formulating open-ended questions, and imagining implications. Throughout, you will discover the power of art to develop your students’ inclination to think deeply.

When you enroll, all the resources you need to strengthen critical thinking skills by using art for your classroom will be immediately available. We recommend that you spend a few hours learning and practicing each section before progressing to the next. The online course environment features over 20 videos and interactive tools: including a zoom tool to examine works of art at full resolution, polls to compare your thoughts with those of other participants, and discussion boards where teachers around the world will share ideas, plans, and results. Authentic lesson demonstration videos model routines led by real classroom and museum educators with students of varying ages. Interview videos provide focal points for teachers on topics like using thinking routines with emerging language learners and making accommodations for all learners. Having access to a global network of educators who, just like you, want to hone their abilities to teach critical thinking skills will be an added and enduring bonus to your course experience.