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Summary of Degree Programme

Field of Studies

58.04.01 Asian and African Studies

Approved by
приказ от 15.08.2014 № 6.18.1-01/1508-10
HSE University Educational Standard
Last Update
протокол от 18.10.2019 № 8 заседания Академического совета программы
Network Programme


Length of Studies, Mode of Studies, Credit Load

2 years

Full-time, 120 з.е.

Language of instruction


Instruction in English

Qualification upon graduation


Double-degree Programme


Use of online learning


2024/2025 Academic year

Politics, Society, International Relations in Asia

Type: General
Language of instruction: English
Use of online learning: With online tools
Qualification upon graduation: Магистр

Economy and Business in Asia

Type: General
Language of instruction: English
Use of online learning: With online tools
Qualification upon graduation: Магистр

2023/2024 Academic year

Politics, Society, International Relations in Asia

Type: General
Track Supervisor: Volosyuk, Olga V.
Language of instruction: English
Use of online learning: With online tools
Qualification upon graduation: Магистр

Economy and Business in Asia

Type: Applied
Track Supervisor: Shaposhnikov, Sergei
Language of instruction: English
Use of online learning: With online tools
Qualification upon graduation: Магистр
Competitive Advantages

This is the first Master's programme in Asian Studies, opened in Russia in 2012, which from the very beginning was focused on the study of politics, economics, international relations of modern Asia and which is carried out in English. This allows the programme to develop successful partnerships with major research centers in Asian studies, such as the City University of Hong Kong, Shanghai University, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, AKITA University in Japan, Jordan University etc., as well as with leading research centers in Asian studies of Western universities. Every year, we invite lecturers from foreign universities to deliver one or several courses.

It also allows the programme to keep the tradition to maintain a truly international character: it is open to applicants from all over the world. Among those, who studied and are currently studying on the programme, are students from more than 20 countries of the world. Our “student geography” covers Indonesia, Mongolia, Myanmar, China, Taiwan, Nigeria, Ghana, Spain, Thailand, South Korea, Bangladesh, Latvia, Estonia, Australia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Moldova, Japan, Brazil, and other countries around the world, creating the benefit of global intellectual interaction.

Over the 8 years of its existence, the programme has trained more than 170 graduates who occupy prestigious positions in ministries and departments, large state and private firms, international organizations and embassies, and the media. Graduates of the programme continue their studies in postgraduate schools of Russian and foreign universities, and some have already become successful scholars.

The education process deals with studying modern socioeconomic, political and cultural-historical processes, which take place in Asian countries. Particular attention is paid to the study of cross-border and transnational relations, the relations of Asian countries with Russia and countries of the West, demographic, ethno-religious processes, economic, military and political elites, modern economic development and business models, the processes of globalization and modernization of society.

Professional Activities and Competencies of Programme Graduates

Basic forms of professional activities of the students, graduated from this Master’s programme, deal with an occupation as an employee in the fields of enterprises, business, trade and economic relations, as an analyst and an expert practitioner of socioeconomic, political and cultural situation in Asian countries in state, stock, private and other companies, also in embassies and trade representations in Asian countries, international and non-governmental institutions, as a teacher and lecturer of Asian studies disciplines of higher and professional education, as a mass media specialist, etc.

The graduate from Master’s programme should obtain the following competencies:

Be able to comprehend the development of Asian countries in historical perspective, their political culture, social and cultural dynamics, framework for contractual and state-to-state relations in the East, key economic models in Asian societies; to analyze significant socioeconomic and political processes in Asia; major models of the development of Asian countries, to perform a comparative approach to development of Eastern and Western societies.

Be able to implement strategies and different methods for systems analysis and forecasting of the development of Asian countries: modes and methods for expert analysis of Eastern countries; evaluation of social, political, economic and ecological risks and military threats in Eastern countries; analysis of mass media and public opinion; short-term forecasting of development of Eastern societies; multiple factor analysis and forecasting of the development of relations between Russia and Asian countries on fundamental and expert-practical level.

Be able to carry out recommendations for Russian authorities and large-scale business structures on the forms of communication with Asian partners in terms of expected risks and benefits.

Professional activities of future graduates have great prospects, they may be demanded at:

Government departments and organizations whose activities are related to the of cooperation between Russia and Asian countries in the field of economics and politics, science and culture, including Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Ministries of Economic Development, Embassies and Trade Representations in Asia, Ministries of Education and Science, and regional authorities;

International and intergovernmental organizations, in particular, the commissions of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the United Nations Organization;

Expert, industrial and state research organizations, think tank institutes, that conduct the analysis of the political and economic situation in Asia;

Research institutions of the Academy of Sciences;

Universities and higher education institutions that research and teach disciplines connected with Asian states and languages;

Information agencies and mass media (ITAR-TASS, RIA-Novosti, "The Voice of Russia", VGTRK, "Russia Today" etc.);

Large-scale companies with state participation, including Gazprom, Lukoil and Transneft, which have economic interest in expanding ties with Asia.

Programme Modules

The educational "architecture" of this Master's programme is constructed of the following blocks:


1. Politics, Society, International Relations in Asia

2. Economics and Business in Asia 

Compulsory courses, among which are:

"Methodology of Contemporary Asian Studies" will introduce students to sociopolitical research methods and familiarize them with the tools and techniques that scholars use to study the history of East Asia. Students will learn about the process of modern historical inquiry and gain a better understanding of the diverse resources that historians use to conduct research. (Track 1 and 2).   

"The Key Problems in Asian Studies Research" concentrates on several important problems and issues of Asian Studies, that are fundamental for deeper understanding of classical and modern development of East Asia and focuses on the major theoretical and practical issues and problems in Asian Studies as a discipline. (Track 1 and 2).   

"Russia's Policy In Asia" focuses on 3 major areas of contemporary Russian cooperation in Asia: economic, political, and security cooperation. Energy policy and cooperation, which is related to all the three areas listed above, is also being considered. It also provides a comprehensive description of the multipolar Asian region, highlights the main and most important partners of Russia in the region, and provides a description and historical retrospective of the development of their relations with Russia. (Track 1 and 2).   

Electives, i.e. disciplines of the student’s choice, that will help develop knowledge in specific aspects of their chosen specialization among which, for example, are:

"State, Society and Economy in East Asia" examines different forms of government intervention into economic life in East Asia and looks at the effects of such interventions on the patterns of economic growth. This part also introduces students to the theories of developmental state and evaluates the relevance of such theories for explaining current economic situation in East Asia. (Track 1).

"Modern Asian Political Processes" belongs to the block of disciplines, which provide theoretical training in Political Science, Political Institutionalism, Political Economy and Social Anthropology. (Track 1).

"Post-Totalitarian China and Political Economy of Transition" has its focus on the market reforms and socio-political restructuring in the People’s Republic of China against the background of the history and outcomes of market reforms introduced in East-European former socialist countries and the USSR in the second part of the XX century. (Track 1).

"Entrepreneurship and Business in Asia" is focused on the main trends of doing business in China, SA and SEA from two perspectives: business environment taking into account the political, legislative, economic, socio-demographic and cultural environment issues and internal companies’ environment, considering differences in national culture and its management implications on successful communications, team-building, leadership, decision making, motivation, and negotiation processes with business in this region. (Track 2).   

"Family Business in Asian Countries" is beneficial for students who plan to work in/with family-owned businesses in the future, as most companies in Asia are family-owned. The course provides models and theories for understanding on what the family business is all about and also gives the students lots of opportunities to learn wisdom and secrets for operating businesses and explore the reasons for the sustainability. (Track 2). 

MAGOLEGO subjects, which are studied during the first (modules 1-4) and second year (modules 1-2) of study, are chosen by each educational programme’s students independently from the general set, etc. 

Research Seminar 'New Approaches to Sociopolitical and Economic Development of Asia" will introduce students to sociopolitical research methods and familiarize them with the tools and techniques that scholars use to study the history of East Asia (Track 1).

Research seminar on "Current Business Issues in Asian Countries". (Track 2).  

Research internship and Projects. (Track 1 and 2).   

Term paper. (Track 1 and 2).   

State certification in the form of a Master's thesis defense. (Track 1 and 2).   

Information Circle
Information about choosing tracks / Selection (Assignment) of Tracks/Specializations


1. No later than October 1, a 1st year student, through an online form or using the student's corporate mail, informs the manager of the progamme of his/her wishes regarding the educational track: track of the priority and track of the second priority.

2. Until October 31, the academic supervisor of the educational programme, together with the track leaders and the manager of programme, distributes students to tracks, taking into account their wishes and based, first of all, on the number of places on the tracks, and secondly, on the number scores received by the student in the entrance examinations.

3. The student will be enrolled in order of priority:

- on the track of the first priority, subject to a sufficient number of places on the track of the first priority;

- on the track of the second priority, provided there are no free places on the track of the first priority.

4. The academic supervisor of the educational programme or track leaders can increase or decrease the number of places on the track in favor of another track.

5. The distribution of students into tracks is published by the manager on the website of the educational programme and is brought to the attention of students by notification by corporate e-mail.

6. During the learning process, it is possible for students to move between tracks in agreement with the track leaders and the academic supervisor of the educational programme.

Information Circle
Options to Pursue Additional Modules, Including Those Resulting in a Microdegree

Microdegree is an additional certificate to the main diploma, which can be obtained by studying a number of additional disciplines offered by the university.

Options for Students with Disabilities

This degree programme of HSE University is adapted for students with special educational needs (SEN) and disabilities. Special assistive technology and teaching aids are used for collective and individual learning of students with SEN and disabilities. The specific adaptive features of the programme are listed in each subject's full syllabus and are available to students through the online Learning Management System.

Programme Documentation

All documents of the degree programme are stored electronically on this website. Curricula, calendar plans, and syllabi are developed and approved electronically in corporate information systems. Their current versions are automatically published on the website of the degree programme. Up-to-date teaching and learning guides, assessment tools, and other relevant documents are stored on the website of the degree programme in accordance with the local regulatory acts of HSE University.

I hereby confirm that the degree programme documents posted on this website are fully up-to-date.

Vice Rector Sergey Yu. Roshchin

Summary of Degree Programme 'Socioeconomic and Political Development of Modern Asia'

Go to Programme Contents and Structure