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26.02.2015 «Битва иллюзий». Приглашаются все желающие.

26.02.2015 мы приглашаем Вас на «Битву иллюзий». Каждая команда представит 10- минутную увлекательную презентацию одной иллюзии.


The "Illusions Battle", February 26, 2015, 11:45


1)  Teams  of 4-5 students
2) Two rounds:

  • 1st  round consists of 10 min shows presenting 1 (one) illusion. The show will be evaluated by  the panel of judges  using the following criteria:

I. Quality of the show
II. Scientific explanation of the illusion
III. Novelty of the illusion

  • for the 2nd round two (best) teams will be selected. Our panel of judges will present 3 illusions and ask teams to explain them as quickly as possible.

 Snackes and drinks will be provided.   The prize will be awarded.
