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Магистерская программа «Стратегическое управление финансами фирмы»

Summary of Degree Programme

Field of Studies

38.04.08 Finance and Credit

Approved by
Order dated 15.07.2014 № 6.18.1-01/1507-07
HSE University Educational Standard
Last Update
Minutes of FES AC №52 dated 25.06.2024
Network Programme


Length of Studies, Mode of Studies, Credit Load

2 года

Full-time, 120 credit points

Language of instruction


Instruction in English

Qualification upon graduation


Double-degree Programme


Use of online learning

With online tools


2024/2025 Academic year

Развернуть все

Investment Decisions,  M&A and Restructuring

Behavioral Finance, Corporate Governance and Asset Pricing

Fund Raising, Capital Structure and Payout Policy

2023/2024 Academic year

Investment Decisions,  M&A and Restructuring

Behavioral Finance, Corporate Governance and Asset Pricing

Fund Raising, Capital Structure and Payout Policy

Competitive Advantages

Mix of theory and practice from top professors

The programme is based on a synthesis of up-to date theoretical knowledge and useful practical skills of financiers to provide students with the most comprehensive education and broadest career prospects.

• Fundamental courses in macroeconomics, corporate finance, microeconomics, theory of finance, risk management and corporate governance are taught by professors who hold PhDs and doctoral degrees.

• A wide variety of practice-oriented courses, such as business valuation, M&A deals, financial modelling and venture capital, are taught by practitioners from Kept, B1, Business Solutions and Technologies, and other consulting firms and financial specialists with extensive experience working in emerging market environments.

Academic Mobility Programmes in partnership with European universities

Our students can spend their second year in European partner universities. For example, there are programmes in partnership with Shanghai University, Almaty Management University, University of Padua, University of Bologna, Università Cattolica Del Sacro Cuore and others.

Research opportunities

The educational process is closely intertwined with the work of the Corporate Finance Center at the HSE University. Students may start a career in science and publish an article in the Journal of Corporate Finance Research.

Professional community and networking

For two years, you will join a cosmopolitan academic community where the professionalism of financiers meets open-mindedness. Students expand their professional networks by interacting with top professionals in the field, including programme alumni. More than once, alumni have hired our students, thanks to the skills and level of expertise they gain in the programme.

Options for Students with Disabilities

This degree programme of HSE University is adapted for students with special educational needs (SEN) and disabilities. Special assistive technology and teaching aids are used for collective and individual learning of students with SEN and disabilities. The specific adaptive features of the programme are listed in each subject's full syllabus and are available to students through the online Learning Management System.

Programme Documentation

All documents of the degree programme are stored electronically on this website. Curricula, calendar plans, and syllabi are developed and approved electronically in corporate information systems. Their current versions are automatically published on the website of the degree programme. Up-to-date teaching and learning guides, assessment tools, and other relevant documents are stored on the website of the degree programme in accordance with the local regulatory acts of HSE University.

I hereby confirm that the degree programme documents posted on this website are fully up-to-date.

Vice Rector Sergey Yu. Roshchin

Summary of Degree Programme 'Strategic Corporate Finance'

Go to Programme Contents and Structure