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Pragmatics of Inter- and Cross-Cultural Communication-2

Учебный год
Обучение ведется на английском языке
Курс обязательный
Когда читается:
2-й курс, 1-3 модуль


Course Syllabus


The course explores such issues as the communication theory of identity, psychological identity is dwelt upon through the lens of Hall's theory of "cultural grammar" and Hofstede's theory of cultural dimensions. The course reveals the approaches to the classification of business cultures by Lewis and the analysis of organizational culture on the basis of the classification of cultures by Schein and Trompenaars. The issues of overcoming intercultural conflicts are considered. Emphasis is placed on the stages and processes of intercultural competence development. Particular attention is paid to the methods of communication research.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • The purpose of the discipline is the formation of students' competencies in the field of intercultural and cross-cultural communication, in-depth intercultural understanding, cultural awareness, sensitivity and intelligence. Cross-cultural perspective will enable students to competently contemplate, comprehend, analyze, and compare similar phenomena in different cultures.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Students conceptualize communication as a field of pragmatics.
  • Students apply the principles of pragmatics while modelling communication.
  • Students analyze and interpret communication as a metamodel and communication theory as a metadiscourse.
  • Students analyze national cultures through the lens of context, time, and space.
  • Students model communicative behavior with due consideration of high vs. low context, monochronic vs. polychronic time, high vs. low contact.
  • Students analyze cultures through the prism of parametric models of psychological identity.
  • Students model communicative behavior on the basis of cultural value systems.
  • Students analyze cultures on the basis of cultural dimensions by Geert Hofstede and can develop a communicator’s profile with due consideration of the dimensional continua.
  • Students apply cultural dimensions for the analysis of interactions, narratives, discourses.
  • Students detect and analyze barriers in intercultural communication.
  • Students analyze causes and types of intercultural barriers in communication.
  • Students model and project ways to overcome intercultural barriers.
  • Students distinguish different types of intercultural conflicts.
  • Students pragmatically analyze factors and causes of intercultural conflicts.
  • Students model conflict management and resolution strategies.
  • Students distinguish different types of facework.
  • Students draw distinction between positive and negative politeness strategies.
  • Students analyze the pragmatics of Face Threatening Acts (FTAs) and elaborate ways to avoid them.
  • Students apply facework strategies in group activities.
  • Students apply business cultures classification by Richard Lewis for the analysis of intercultural communication in business settings.
  • Students model business communicators’ profiles according to the dominant type of activity: monoactive, polyactive, or reactive.
  • Students apply dimensions of cultures by Fons Trompenaars for the analysis of intercultural communication in business settings.
  • Students model business communicators’ profiles according to the seven dimensions of cultures by Fons Trompenaars.
  • Students project the “Servant-Leadership” managerial model by Fons Trompenaars for practical business cases.
  • Students detect and analyze culturally-sensitive areas in intercultural business communication.
  • Students distinguish different types of organizations and analyze the factor cultural diversity in them.
  • Students analyze corporate cultures and the impact of national cultures on them.
  • Students model intercultural negotiating in different business settings.
  • Students distinguish cultural differences in educational settings.
  • Students analyze trends and challenges of multicultural education.
  • Students model multicultural competence of teachers and educators.
  • Students analyze and modify components of intercultural competence.
  • Students model intercultural competence of citizens and professionals in a multicultural environment.
  • Students develop projects for tolerance-building in a multicultural community.
  • Students distinguish quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods of research in communication.
  • Students selectively apply different methods of field research and unobtrusive methods.
  • Students develop research projects in intercultural communication with due consideration of Interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity.
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Communication as a Field of Pragmatics
  • The Pragmatic Concept of "Cultural Grammar" by Edward Hall
  • The Pragmatics of Communication Theories of Identity
  • The Theory of Cultural Dimensions by Geert Hofstede
  • Barriers in Intercultural Communication. Stereotypes, Prejudices, Precedent Phenomena, Centrisms, Attribution
  • Intercultural Conflicts. Conflict Resolution and Mediation
  • Face Negotiation Theory. The Pragmatics of Politeness
  • Business Cultures Classification by Richard Lewis
  • Business Communication Across Cultures by Fons Trompenaars
  • Intercultural Communication in Business Settings
  • Intercultural Communication in Educational Settings
  • Intercultural competence
  • Research methods in intercultural and cross-cultural communication
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Analytical article
    Write an article on one of the issues of intercultural communication in educational settings
  • non-blocking Analytical essay
    Writing an analytical essay on the phenomena of changing identities and communication of different national mentalities
  • non-blocking Practical and analytical assignments
    Completing homework assignments within all topic segments of the course
  • non-blocking Case study
  • non-blocking Report presentation
    Report presentation on one of the topics of the course, raising and analyzing the problem, providing illustrative material, examples, cases and solutions
  • non-blocking Research project
  • non-blocking Class participation
    Participating in the discussion of problems on all topics of the course, answering topical questions, commenting, providing arguments, examples and illustrative cases
  • non-blocking Online course
    Completing assignments and tests on the topics of the online course
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2024/2025 1st module
    0.25 * Case study + 0.25 * Class participation + 0.25 * Practical and analytical assignments + 0.25 * Report presentation
  • 2024/2025 3rd module
    0.1 * Analytical article + 0.1 * Analytical essay + 0.1 * Case study + 0.1 * Class participation + 0.1 * Online course + 0.1 * Practical and analytical assignments + 0.3 * Report presentation + 0.1 * Research project


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • A global view on intercultural management : challenges in a globalized world, Rothlauf, J., 2014
  • An introdution to intercultural communication : identities in a global community, Jandt, F. E., 2013
  • Communicating globally : intercultural communication and international business, Schmidt, W. V., 2007
  • Cross-cultural and intercultural communication, , 2003
  • Culture`s consequences : comparing values, behaviors, institutions, and organizations across nations, Hofstede, G., 2001
  • Cultures and organizations : software of the mind, Hofstede, G., 2005
  • Cultures and Organizations: software of the mind: intercultural cooperation and Its importance fo..., Hofstede, G., 2010
  • Doing cross-cultural research : ethical and methodological perspectives, , 2008
  • Doing pragmatics interculturally : cognitive, philosophical, and sociopragmatic perspectives, , 2017
  • Exploring intercultural communication : language in action, Hua, Z., 2014
  • Handbook of intercultural training, , 2004
  • Intercultural and international business communication : theory, research and teaching, , 2008
  • Intercultural business communication, Chaney, L. H., 2007
  • Intercultural communication : a contextual approach, Neuliep, J. W., 2015
  • Intercultural communication : building a global community, Patel, F., 2011
  • Intercultural communication in the global workplace, Beamer, L., 2008
  • Intercultural communication, , 2017
  • Language turned on itself : the semantics and pragmatics of metalinguistic discourse, Cappelen, H., 2010
  • Methods and data analysis for cross-cultural research, Vijver van de, F., 1997
  • Performing gualitative cross-cultural research, Liamputtong, P., 2010
  • Politeness, impoliteness and ritual : maintaining the moral order in interpersonal interaction, Kadar, D. Z., 2017
  • Riding the waves of culture : understanding diversity in global business, Trompenaars, F., 2014
  • Stereotypes, cognition and culture, Hinton, P. R., 2000

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Cross-cultural research methods in psychology, , 2011
  • Experimental pragmatics : the making of a cognitive science, Noveck, I., 2021
  • Impoliteness : using language to cause offence, Culpeper, J., 2011
  • Inquiries in philosophical pragmatics : issues in linguistics, Macagno, F., 2021
  • Intercultural Business Communication, 4th ed., 306 p., Chaney, L. H., Martin, J. S., 2005
  • Intercultural communication : a new approach to international relations and global challenges, Sadri, H. A., 2011
  • Intercultural communication : a practical guide, Novinger, T., 2001
  • Intercultural communication in the global workplace, Beamer, L., 2001
  • Politeness in historical and contemporary Chinese, Pan, Y., 2012
  • Social performance : symbolic action, cultural pragmatics and ritual, , 2006
