Congratulations to the graduates!
Dear PEP Graduates of 2020!
Anyone tasked to give a graduation speech runs the risk of being pretentious. Mercy me, please, if these words are pompous. On the second thought, if these words are pompous, they may remain in memory a bit longer.
I want to express my gratitude to you and to give you two final tips.
I am grateful to the ‘20 class. It consists of individuals from different backgrounds. Two years ago, some of you came to Moscow from different countries, while others remained in Moscow and chose the PEP Programme at HSE. You all toiled to survive numerous courses by demanding professors. You fought (to start and) to complete theses. You asked questions, you argued, you expressed doubts, you demanded explanations. Thank you for being real challenges to the Programme’s staff!
The 2020 graduation is not as I want it to be. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, we are many miles apart. Yet, even the trying times teach us lessons. To learn these lessons well let me offer you two tips not directly related to the PEP curriculum.
First of all, stay curious. You all know the proverb, which describes a causal relationship between curiosity and the sad fate of a cat. The proverb guards against “unnecessary investigation or experimentation.” However, one of its famous variations contains an optimistic rejoinder “but satisfaction brought it back”. Stay curious to pursue new knowledge! Stay curious to acquire new experience!
Second, train your imaginations. Bad things in life are often due to the failure of imagination. Imagination supported by knowledge (and you know a lot!) has the potential to change the world or at least to save from (some) troubles.
Godspeed, dear graduates! I wish you success in your endeavours. And I dearly want us to stay in touch no matter what we do and where we are.
Mike Mironyuk
Dear PEP Graduates of 2020! Dear Friends!
A human being is “an ensemble of social relations”.
This formula of Karl Marx of the age of yours implies that part of our individualities is given for each of us (and therefore we are so different), while the other part is being established by ourselves. Coming to Moscow two years ago from different parts of our planet, you created a unique team to become a building block of your individualities. As well as of mine, and of our program staff. Fortunately, this team appeared to be very strong – a constellation of many stars! It was a lucky chance to cooperate in a team where each could learn a lot from the co-members.
You have great potentials to be successful in your lives and carriers. Never forget that your PEP connections are one of your strengths with a capacity to grow through time!
Keep in touch and be happy!
Yours, Oleg Ananyin
honors degree
honors degree
honors degree
honors degree
honors degree
honors degree
honors degree
honors degree